First Day of School

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Toni woke up to a bunch of hair in her face. Moving it out of the way she revealed Jacie's sleeping face. She carefully moved her off of her and got out of bed to get ready.

She took a warm shower, did her hygiene and got dressed. She decided to put on a little makeup as well. She wanted to try and look presentable, hopefully a new school meant a new her, she was able to start over.

Her phone vibrated and she checked it:

Kenny: You ready for you're first day?

Toni: Yes but I'm a little nervous

Kenny: It's ok. I gotcha.🤎

Toni: Thanks Ken. I'll be out in like 10 more minutes.

Kenny: I'll be waiting for you.

Toni smiled as she locked her phone and grabbed her backpack. She gave Jacie a kiss on the forehead and closed her room door halfway before making her way downstairs. She grabbed a pop tart, said bye to her mom and headed outside.

She spotted Kenny already in his car waiting for her. She hugged around the other side and hopped in.

"Nice wheels." She said while looking around

"Thanks, my parents decided to give me my birthday gift early. But I'm not complaining, anything to avoid the cheese wagon." He said making Toni laugh. He had a fire red Jeep with rims on it.

"You look nice by the way." He continued making Toni blush.

"Thanks, I wanted to at least try this year. You look nice as well. I didn't think you had this much style." She joked

"Well, you know me." He said brushing invisible dust off his shoulders.

"You're so silly."

The whole way to school they joked and made small talk while music played in the background. Kenny parked in his usual spot and turned the car off.

"Wait don't move." He hopped out the car and went around the the passenger side opening the door for her. "My dad always taught me to open doors for ladies. I do it all the time for my mom."

"Aww well thanks Ken."

"Ken? I like that." He smirked

"Shut up." She said hopping out of the car. "You know you should really get a step stool or something for your car.

"Naw you should really just grow a couple inches." Toni laughed smacking him on the arm.

They walked into school and he let Toni go to the office to get her schedule and locker info. When she found Kenny again he was with a group people.

"There she is. Guys this is Toni, she just moved in next door to me. Toni these are my peeps."

"Hi." She shyly said. She wasn't god with new people hopefully they'd like her.

"Oh Kenny she's pretty. Hi I'm Tionne. I can already tell we're gonna be good friends." A pretty light skin girl said. She was about Toni's height and dressed in baggy jeans and a crop top.

"I'm Q, and can I just say, damn baby you are fine." He said making Toni back up.

"Aye knock it off." Kenny said making Q raise his hands in surrender. "Don't worry about him, he's a little inappropriate at time but he's harmless."

He pointed out everyone else in the crew introducing them. "That's Alex, Lance, and that over there is Jade."

Everyone said Hello nicely except for Jade. She gave a tight lipped smile and a quick wave and walked off. Toni looked down.

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