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October 23, 2015

Messages between Winter and Hope


I'm assuming you still haven't told her?

No I haven't told her. I only got to see her for a short period of time but when I find the right time to tell her. I will.

Are you actually?

If you're so worried about me telling Scarlett then maybe you should go talk to her. You've been best friends with her for years, so if you think this is all on me. You're crazy. I will tell her and we'll both suffer the consequences.

I would've told her years ago if I hadn't signed something that told me I legally couldn't say anything.

She's your best friend! I think that would've been an exception. And it's not like she would go around telling everyone about it. You act like I would've been mad about you telling her. It would make things a lot easier right now that's for sure.

You can tell her if you want but it'll only screw things up for me and you

Then that's what'll happen. It sucks but that's a consequence when you lie

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