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March 22, 2015

"This is bullshit." Winter muttered to herself before accepting the FaceTime.


Winter's jaw dropped, her eyes going wide, "Holy shit!" She shrieked, "It really is you."

Scarlett laughed, "I told you. But I definitely wouldn't have believed me either."

"What the fuck are you doing?" Josie shouted from the next room.

"Just come here!" Winter shouted back and in seconds her best friend was running into the room, in nothing but a baggy shirt with her hair messily pulled back.

"Say hi." Winter told Josie as she sat on the bed next to her.

Josie gasped so hard that Winter was worried she'd stopped breathing, "I'm gonna throw up." She muttered before whispering, "I'm not wearing any pants."

"Why aren't you wearing pants? It's freezing in here."

Josie scoffed, "You're not wearing pants either. I'm only in here because of you."

"Yeah, but I'm under five blankets, so I'm fine."

"Whatever." Josie looked back to the phone, "Sorry I called you a serial killer."

Scarlett just laughed, "It's okay. I wouldn't have believed me either."

Winter didn't realize she'd fallen asleep, until her alarm was going off at four the next morning. She assumed Scarlett had ended their FaceTime, but she was wrong.

It was obviously dark on the screen, but she could tell Scarlett was asleep. Winter got ready and was heading into the kitchen, phone in hand when she ran into Josie, jumping slightly at her presence.

"What are you doing?" Winter asked quietly.

"Shit! You scared me." Josie shrieked, turning around with a mouthful of chips.

"Will you be quiet?"

"Why?" Josie whispered back before she noticed Winter's phone in her hand, "Wait, are you still on FaceTime with her?"

"Yes, now shut up." Winter quietly snapped back, pushing Josie out of the way so she could start the coffee.

"I'm awake. It's fine."

Winter visibly jumped, "Jesus Christ, does anyone else want to scare the shit out of me?"

"I wasn't going to say anything because you're arguing was funny, but I figured I should make my presence known."

Winter just rolled her eyes as she grabbed her coffee, before turning to the fridge.

"Um, hate to interrupt this. But you do realize there's no coffee creamer, right?"

Winter pouted, "But I need it."

"I mean, I have a five hour energy."

Winter side eyed her friend, "Do you not remember what happened last time?" She asked, "I literally went from not being able to sit still and practically hearing colors to being so nauseous from it that I couldn't do anything."

"Hm. Red Bull?" Josie excitedly held it out for her friend.

Winter shrugged, "I guess that works."

Winter was grabbing the last of her things when Josie handed her her coat, "Don't forget your coat, honey."

"Thanks, mom. I got it."

"Id hate for you to freeze, sweetie."

Winter rolled her eyes as she turned her phone to Josie, "Say bye, Josie. This is the last time you're gonna see her for four days."

Josie giggled, "Bye, sweetie."

Scarlett just laughed, "Bye, honey."

Winter rolled her eyes, "I'm leaving, now."

Winter was halfway out the door when Josie called after her, "Bye, sweetie. Miss you already."

"You're ridiculous. Go back to bed."

Josie saluted her, "Yes, ma'am."

"Is she always like this?"

"Yeah, every time. She's on drugs, it's fi- fuck me, it's cold." Winter snapped as she escaped the snow and got in her car, "Sorry, that was aggressive."

"It's fine, I've definitely heard worse. Is a actually said worse."

Winter got to the airport thirty minutes later and was sad when she had to let Scarlett go. But Scarlett told her she could call her that night, so she didn't need to be so sad.

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