28. saved the best for last

Start from the beginning

"I designed it, but I can't take all the credit, Hoseok helped me so much, him and his creative team." Devora would massage her hand on his shoulder blades, her eyes gleaming with cheers and respect whenever she turned to look at Hobi.

Hoseok would bow his head, pleased that she always gives him some of the credit, even though it was all hers to take. That's when Hobi would chuckle and say he's flattered, but it's all Devora and part of her talent.

Taking all the credit seemed selfish. Sure, she was the one who designed the dress. But, if it weren't for Hoseok that had seen the potential in her, she might have never even been there— meeting all those people.

The two met with the other members who were also talking to the many guests in the building.

"See, what did I say? Huh, Hobi?" Jin was blithe, embracing Hoseok tightly.

"I said Devora would make a great model for your show, was I wrong?" Jin spoke over the other voices, patting Hobi's back.

Devora watched as he traced back to her, startled when he went in for a hug.

"Thank you for saying that, Jin. That's really sweet." She gave into his warm embrace, resting her head on his chest.

"He was right, you truly did great." Namjoon's cheeks dimpled, his white teeth prodded against his lips.

Each time she received that compliment, there was no stopping the flutter that pelted her chest.

Jimin came around to felicitate Devora as well, taking the camera off from around his neck to give her a proper embrace.

He rocked back and forth, voice muffled as he sunk in her shoulder. "You must be so proud of yourself right now." She caught the last part of his sentence, grinning like a mad person.

Both Yoongi and Taehyung came around to participate in their mini-reunion, congratulating both Hoseok and Devora for their marvelous work.

Although Devora was forever flattered by the boys and appreciative of their kind words, she thought of Jungkook — mystified that he wasn't around with the members.

It was weird.

Ordinarily, he was either with Jimin and Yoongi, or Taehyung.

He wasn't to be seen at all.

She tried searching for him past the crowd, neglecting to discover his familiar face with all the crowding bodies in the building.

"Hey, Taehyung, do you happen to know where Jungkook is?" Hoping it didn't come off as a strange — or ungrateful — question.

Taehyung lowered his ear near her to gather her question articulately, putting his finger against his bottom lip, pulling it down as he thought about how to answer it.

His eyes darted around the people steadily, humming. "Honestly, I'm not too sure, did you try checking backstage?"

Devora frowned, taking his response into consideration. "No actually, I haven't. I'll go check right now, thanks, Tae." She acknowledged his kind response.

Now she had to retrace her steps, assessing the fact that he wasn't around the guys. He could've been using the restroom, or maybe he was chatting with other photographers?

She just wanted to see him, to thank him for the gifts once more.

Even after all he'd done, Devora couldn't just push him away, no matter how hard she tried to.

Every time she did, he only came closer to her, his name popping up in her mind at every little detail that reminded her of him.

Besides, he did say he wanted to talk to her after the show, did he not?

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