Support me

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Adam waited for his support worker Scott. Who was on his way. A whole day out and out of the house. Adam was looking at the window. He thought about what he wanted to watch. He saw the car pull up. He shouted. "He's here", bellowing through the house.

Scott waved at him. He saw Adam jumping up and down. It was going to be demanding today. It was his last shift with him. He didn't know yet. Adam was going to be devastated. He wouldn't be able to function knowing.

"Scott", Adam ran and hugged him. Scott's arms wrapped around him. Holding his jacket and hoodie.

"Hey, bud. You ready for an adventure" he asked. A frantic nod looked at him. It was a yes.

They got into the car. They were going to a theme park. Adams face would light up when he would see it. The plan was simply to make a great day of it. The windows in the car had been rolled down.

"Hey, today we are going on a big adventure. And we get an extra two hours," the excitement coming from Scott's voice.

Adam smiled at the thought of it. Two whole extra hours this was definitely a treat to have. But unfortunately, he was unaware of what was going to happen. Scott felt guilty that at the end of their time, he would have to tell him the truth.

As you watched them at the theme park, you would have not known what was coming. The smiles on their faces to the excitement for the next ride. You could only see their friendship bubbling away.

When the sun was low in the sky, it was time. Scott didn't want to tell him. The atmosphere around them was not so good. Passers-by wouldn't understand their relationship. They would see maybe a break-up, not a support worker saying goodbye. No one would realise that. They looked the same age anyway. It was one of these things where people wouldn't notice. The one side tears going down Adam's face, then the running.

Adam ran through the crowd to hide; it worked; Scott lost him. Adam didn't want it to be true. He didn't want to lose him. He felt rejection from other support workers.

Tears streamed down his face, dropping onto the floor. They always went in the end. He wished Scott would have told him in advance. All he hoped for was for him to stay.


Months had now gone by, and Adam still thought about Scott. The new support worker was friendly and did different things. He carried on doing his craft group with a messy table by the end of the session. Wool was everywhere.

He remembered Scott trying to find him and then begging him not to go. His support team didn't think he was going to do that. So they had to have a little chat with Scott too. As he was close to Adam and everyone knew that, it was hard to do.

Scott had moved on to a whole new sector. It was different to what he was used to. Sometimes he wondered how Adam was. He wished he could see him. Maybe one day when he was more confident. He hoped he would be able to take him out again on his own. They knew each other, maybe needed an update. That would make Adams day absolutely fantastic, that they would see each other again.

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