The Hell program

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As she went down to the depths of hell in the escalator. It was weird that she was finally here. Finally, here to learn about hell from her work experience. She had to go through an assessment for people with learning disabilities to be here. Ria was looking forward to all the departments. But first, she had to meet the tutor. They were in charge of handling the students. There were a few she was going to learn with. Suddenly the escalator stopped, and the doors opened.  

"Hello", she called out, peering out of the door. The hall was a quiet corridor. Not a single person. Or thing.  

"Ah, there you are", a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere, making her jump. His eyes were looking at her. " Introductions will start soon", she said a bit cheerfully to her. She nodded to him.

She followed him. "Where are we going?" she asked him. She guessed he was the tutor.

"To the classroom, of course, look at the departments" he smiled at her.

"I guess it makes sense", she murmured to herself. He smiled as he heard it. The corridors were like a plan office hallway. Basic but had little sections of exposed rocks behind glass. It had a thin, green-blue carpet.

The underworld can have a good few work experience placements. The War department always needed help. You know where to fight and how to start one. Then there was the call centre. Get to hear all their demonic prayers. Well, someone had to.

They entered a hallway. In front of her was some big, heavy wooden doors. They went through a bit of hallway and got to another big wooden door; the man stopped, ready to open it.

"Well, let's meet the others" he smiled at her. She looked up a little to him, being shorter than him. She nodded at him then looked at the door.

"I can hear them", she replied. Of course, a loud lot of her new classmates.

"Yes, they did all arrive early," he said.

"Sorry", as she looked down.

"Don't worry. Let's go in," As he indicated for her to move ahead.

Of course, guys were already arguing and grabbing on to each other's clothes.

"Right, pack it in. We are representing hell," the man bellowed as he scowled at the two young men. "Seats now", watching them with faces you know are in trouble. The two guys sat down and looked down. Ria just stood there.

"Shall I sit, sir" she whispered to the man.

"Sorry, but thank you for reminding me" the man looked at her. "Class, my name is Ned. George will be coming soon, and he's your job coach".

We all turn around after hearing a big noise. Except for Ned. "What was that?"  I ask him. Still not looking at anyone.

"That is George, your job coach" he smiles. "He's been doing it with me for five years. So I don't need to look to see who it is" he turns around and smiles at me.

This story might end up in the alternative autism universe.

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