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I can feel the cold air and everyone's anxiety crawling on my skin. I stare at the person with the gun and say, "Who hired you? I'll pay you triple."

Their lip twitches like I've guessed correctly. They look around the room, the chaos they've caused, "They already saw my face, including the camera. What are you going to do about it?"

"Never happened."

"Haha! I was told that you're like this. However, it's not about the pay. I hate you and your cooperation. You live peacefully with your daughter and husband while the rest of us suffer and contribute to your ever increasing wealth."

A knot begins to form at my throat...

"I'm sorry."

"Stop with your savior complex and pity. It's disgusting." They raises the tip of the gun to the center of my forehead, "I feel no sympathy for you. You knew what your cooperation is doing. Even death is too easy of a consequence for you, but it must be done."

"Mommy!" My daughter cries and hugs me from behind. "Don't. My mommy. This is my mommy."

"Little girl, once you learn what your parents are doing to people like me you'll hate them just as much of not more. It is your bad luck to have them as your parents."

"No! This is my mommy! Don't hurt my mommy."

I can see their brows furrow in frustration or pity for my daughter. I clear my throat, "Then let's go elsewhere. Don't let her see me die."

They nod at me.

I break away from my daughter. I ask another customer to look after her and tell them to call you once everything is over.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

I lean down and kiss the tears on her cheeks, "I love you. I'll always love you, trust me, okay?"

"No. Stay with me—I go too! Mommy, take me too!"

I pull away from her strong little fingers and follow the person with the gun. We go out through the back exit into the alley. I hear them whisper, "If only her parents are good people."

My back is against the concrete wall as I stand a few feet away from them. I close my eyes, understanding their pain and anger toward me. I only pray that their pain and anger will be lifted with my death and leave you and our daughter unharmed.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

My body falls forward onto the dirty floor of cigarette buds and plastic and paper scraps. They walk toward my body with a shaky voice. I hear them call out to their mother, their father, their spouse, and their unborn child.

We make eyes contact once more. I move my lips to say, "I—I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. If you were, they wouldn't have died."

"... I'm sorry."

Their hand close my eyes, "Go to hell."

They jump over the concrete wall behind me as the police officers are arriving. The police officers assume I've died and chase after the shadow they may have seen jump over the wall.

I feel my breath gets quieter... I thought all those times before were death claiming me; I was wrong. This is death... A life flash before my eye, and I can do nothing about. I can't even wish for it because it's here to claim me.

It's taking so long. I have enough time to think of all the things I should've done and shouldn't have done, and the people I love who I am leaving behind. You...

If there is a next life, I want you to know that I'll find you again. I'll be strong and work harder on our miscommunications. I'll be a better spouse. I'll care about my health early on. I'll—I'll do things differently.

But what is the chance that reincarnate is real? What is the chance that you'll be mine in heaven?—I don't want to die. I still want to be with you.

"Leo! Leo! Don't go!"

Is that you? I force my eyes to open. I only see your nose and lips, but I know it's you. You hold me in your arms, and your tears fall onto my skin.

Your large hand cups my face. You place a soft kiss on my lips. You call my name endlessly.

"Stay with me. Don't go. Don't go, Leo. We have a daughter to raise. We have grandchildren to see. Don't leave me... Leo, don't leave me anymore. I can't—I can't live this life without you. Please, I'm begging you, Leo! Leo!"

I wish I can tell you that I'm not leaving you. I wish I can tell you that I don't want to go.

The way you call my name fades out to an unbearable silence. I don't want to die. I want to be with you. I haven't love you enough.


"Mommy's awake? My mommy?"

I hear little but heavy feet rush toward from some distance away. I feel relieved, I'm still alive. I can still live with them.

There is a little person on my right and a big person my left. Their warm breaths on my cold skin. I see you first then our daughter with tears in your eyes but smiles on your faces.

My lip quivers, I can't stop myself from crying. I didn't leave, nor did I miss any time with you guys. I can only thank my luck for giving me this chance to love you and our daughter again.

"Mommy!" She cries with hiccups in between.

I couldn't begin to articulate the bursting emotions and can only pull you both in for a lasting embrace.

After our daughter has calmed down and falls asleep beside me, I place my hand against your cheek like what I wanted to but couldn't before. I move in to kiss you deeply on the lips, "I love you, honey."

"I love you too." You put your forehead against mine, "You're not allow leave me, you hear?"


-The End-

I hope y'all enjoyed this short story :)

There may be some epilogues coming out soon...
Tell me what y'all want to know what happened after the story ended, ie flashbacks, different perspective, etc.

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