Promise of the Peerless

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Imaged: Zhan Bei Ye


Zhan Bei Yes large laugh had yet to echo out in the middle of the palace gates, before Yan Jingchens face had already started to turn ashen layer by layer.

He tightly clenched his fingers, twisting them as if he wanted to clench out the sweat in his palms. Even the veins in his temples were bulgingly jumping out. In his eyes appeared blood vessels like a web, horizontal and vertical, like freakish ropes that wanted to tie up his beloved yet unobtainable girl.

Opposite him, however, that girl raised her head towards the sky. Her jaw line carved out a resolute yet disdainful arc in the fire light. Behind her Zhan Bei Ye curled his mouth in a cold smile, while Yun Hens eyes were deep and chilly – no one was willing to give him more than a glance.

There was only Pei Yuan, clutching on Zhan Bei Yes unmoving hand while weakly struggling, who used furious and despairing eyes to fixedly stare at her fiancé. When she thrashed her neck bones gave out low ge ge noises; traveling out in this moment of suffocating silence, when thousands of soldiers had their weapons unsheathed as if they were facing a great enemy, the sound made ones heart grow cold.

Yan Jingchen avoided this grieved, indignant, and almost insane glare, staring at Meng Fuyao full of hope. However, after what seemed like a very long time, he finally slowly loosened his clenched fingers.

In his palms, the crescent-shaped wounds pierced by his fingernails immediately began to slowly ooze out blood, and then was diluted by sweat into a light red color. Drop by drop it silently landed onto the dark rock floor surface and faded away from sight.

In Yan Jingchens eyes gradually surfaced a breaking cauldrons and sinking boats kind[1] of splitting murderous intent.

After a while, he severely shouted, Go —-

The rest of his words had not yet been said, when suddenly a huge earthquake came with a crashing sound. The surroundings shook and vibrated with a buzz, as if some kind of heavy object had collided with the yellow bronze palace gate, impacting it so hard that the gate body slightly trembled.

The sound was dull and low, almost like flesh slamming on a solid object. In a short while, from the black stone gate threshold slowly flowed out fresh blood, meandering and twisting like a snake as it trickled in towards the inside of the gate.

Everyone instinctively lowered their heads to stare at that fresh blood creeping towards their feet. It clearly wasnt a large volume, yet it made one looking at it suddenly feel their hearts grow cold, as if something out of their expectations had happened. Horrifying, bitterly chilling, hot blood splashing, in an instant it stifled ones breath.

In the darkness countless pairs of eyes flashed, turning towards that impacted palace gate.

After some time, there was another huge sound, and at the same time the sound of shouting and close combat with weapons traveled over. The bloody smell shot up to the cloudy skies, in mid-air soaring into a pink-colored blood mist, while someone yelled:

Those who block me shall die!

Someone horribly screamed:

Ah! Its the palace guards! ——–[2]

Human shouts, horse whinnies, and tragic cries accompanied the fire light in soaring up. Layer after layer of black smoke mixed with the sticky scent of blood passed over the tall palace gate, drifting into the noses of the people on this side of the gate. Sounds of human bodies slamming onto the gate came unendingly, after which were the sounds of things flying and colliding in all directions – most likely scatteredly flying limbs that also impacted and fell on the palace gate.

The Legend Of Fuyao Book 1Where stories live. Discover now