Scheming for the Destruction of Mystic Essence

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With another brush of his sleeve, the clump of green powder evaporated into a ball of green fog that slowly rose up in the quiet room.

The wind set the beaded window curtain in motion. Behind the man stood a door which led to the eastern pavilion, and it opened up without a sound.

A faint, white shadow could vaguely be seen in the dark.

Catching that white shadow, the man instantly lost his disquieting expression. Turning around with a calm bearing, he spoke with a tone of respect and deliberate cordiality. Sorry to alarm you, Sir Zong.

No worries, Your Highness, the man in white responded while walking out from the darkness. He gazed out of the window at the fluttering leaves and added with a meaningful expression, I wasnt planning to sleep.

He turned to the tea set on the table somewhat hesitantly, and Qi Xunyi immediately invited, I havent touched that. Please use it.

Flashing an apologetic smile, the man in white poured a cup of tea for himself with quick and light movements. His hands were clean and slender, and despite the lack of light within the room, the moonlight was enough to highlight the softness of his profile, the lightness of his eyes and lips, which reminded one of a freshly bloomed, spring cherry blossom.

He wet his lips with a sip of tea and continued gazing at the fallen leaves outside. Its not time yet for these leaves to fall he spoke gently.

Throwing a glance out of the window, Qi Xunyi knitted his brows a little and smiled, I really do admire you for having a heart so compassionate, Sir Zong a doctor indeed even taking pity on leaves.

Just call me Zong, the man in white returned the smile and placed his teacup down. Ive always had a soft spot for plants and cant help but feel hurt when they wither and fall. Sorry to have embarrassed myself in front of Your Highness.

Just call me Xunyi, then. Qi Xunyi broke into a big laugh. Why so formal? Names are meant to be called.

In response to his candid laughter and flickering gaze, Zong simply smiled in silence.

Staring into Zongs eyes, Qi Xunyi continued, You probably have seen it.

Zong nodded without much change in expression.

Who do you think is behind it? Those motions Qi Xunyi hesitated, his eyes burning.

Zong broke the silence after a long while, saying, Your Highness is number 1 when it comes to ability, insight, and being pedantic. Your Highness must already have an idea just from observing the perpetrators movements. A pity Im not as wise and discerning, or Id be able to share your worries.

Qi Xunyis eyes sank before he gave a kind wave. Youre too humble, Sir Zong. Actually, I dare not burden you with trivial matters like this. Please have an early rest, and Ill trouble you to take care of my cousins injuries.

Princess Yuans injuries are serious, and the osteoclast is deepening her wound. Its easily treatable but almost impossible for it to fully recover.

Please, Sir, Qi Xunyi bowed.

Upon returning his bow, Zong retreated back to his room.

Right after Zongs departure, Qi Xunyis confident facade fell apart completely. He stared gloomily toward the door where Zong had exited through and cursed at the floor after a short pause, Bast*rd!


A ladys screech broke the silence of the night, her voice containing anger, despair, fear, and frenzy all at once. It was as if the dark sky had been slashed and shattered by a bloodied knife.

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