A Stripping Strategy

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The wind blew from the woods, carrying the shadow of trees to sway together with that of the head behind the rock.

Meng Fuyao let go of her belt.

Her pants dropped immediately, but so did her robe, which helped to protect her modesty. Like a very flexible spring, she executed a backflip over the mountain rock. When she was about to land she jerked her feet, causing her pants to fall and cover one of the two heads behind the rock.

Caught off guard and blindsided, the victim anxiously tried to tear the thick cloth apart.

Before he could do so, however, Meng Fuyao had already appeared behind them. Under her oversized robe, she kicked both feet up and toward the other enemys neck to wrap it before whipping her body around.

Crack! a hair-raising sound shot through the silence.

The man with a broken neck fell limp to the ground.

A threatening look flashed across her face. She felt no regret over her ruthless move, since she had spotted a net, dipped in poison, in their hands when she was flipping over them. The poison carried a pinkish hue, which she had learned about in former training. Her rich knowledge had allowed her to quickly recognize it as the Crisp Dispersal, something that had been circulated within the Five Region Continent and widely used by the nobles to loot or deal with women from respectable families.

This unspeakable thing had ruined the innocence of many young women and the happiness of people in general. Those with possession of this poison were devoid of conscience, so why would Meng Fuyao let them get away with it?

Having freed himself from her pants, seen how she had sneaked a fast and fierce attack with her pants, and his partners brutal death the next moment, the enemy tossed it aside and fled. Before he could make much progress, a cold laugh sounded from behind.

Wanna run after seeing my thighs?

A black gust of wind rose from the ground as Meng Fuyao flung her whip, which reached around his throat in under a second. She pulled it back fast, attempting to drag him over. Unexpectedly, that man had some skills, which had earlier been impeded due to his loss of sight. He swung his hand, and a golden light rose into the sky and formed a dazzling arc that shot straight toward her chest. His ferocious counterattack forced Meng Fuyao to suck in her chest and retreat, while he used the chance to significantly increase their distance.

Just as he was about to escape, Meng Fuyao stomped her feet, getting ready to pounce on him. Suddenly, the mans feet twisted awkwardly, as if he had sprained it after landing wrongly on a stone. His body dropped a little before he collapsed to the group.

Gleeful, Meng Fuyao jumped onto his back and sat on it. D*mn, I told you, you cant run, she crossed her feet and gloated.

She felt strange the moment she lifted a leg up, and it was only then that she remembered how exposed she really was. While her nether regions were covered by her robe, her eye-catching thighs were out in the open.

Because the night sky and black robe had enhanced the length, fairness, straightness, and fullness of her thighs, she resembled an exquisitely-carved, jade masterpiece that was at that moment reflecting the silverish splendor of the moon.

A subdued, low laugh came through the darkness.

Black-faced, Meng Fuyao urgently grabbed both sides of her robe to cover up her thighs. She was thankful that women in this time period did not follow mens custom of not wearing any underwear, and that she had on a pair of safety shorts on Eh, did he see them?

Raising her head to glare at the enemy, she interrogated, Why were you hiding behind the tree? A thief?

The laugh gradually faded. A light outline emerged from behind the tree, and out walked a man in loose clothing and arms across his chest, leaning smilingly against the trunk.

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