Locked Out

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"Home sweet home." I said as I pulled up into the driveway.

"Yeah, now how do we get inside without causing people to be suspicious of us?"

"Hmmm. One of us goes in first and the other waits outside for a bit before going in."

"That could work, but its cold outside."

"Good point. We could just go in at the same time and act like we got here at the same time."

"Let's do that."

"Okay then."

I smiled at him and went to open the car door, but he lent across me and pulled the door shut again.

"Pietro... if I don't get in soon, I'll be a grounded 18-year-old and I really don't want that."

"I know but there's one thing I still haven't done."

"Oh yeah, and what's that." I said smirking at him.

"This." He replied.

Pietro cupped my cheek in his hand and pulled me closer to him. I placed my arms around his neck and lent closer. He kissed me softly and then I deepened the kiss. He moved his free hand down to my waist and pulled me closer to him. I played with his hair and gently pulled on it. I then pulled away from the kiss and we smiled at each other.

"We should probably go inside now, right?" Pietro said, sounding slightly out of breath.

"Yeah." I said quietly, barely above a whisper.

We both got out of the car and walked up the front door. I went to open the door, but it was locked.

"Slight problem..." I said turning to look at Pietro.


"The doors locked."

"Move over, let me try."

I moved out the way and he tried and failed to open the door.

"Told you."

"Well, now what?" He asked.

"We could knock?" I suggested.

Pietro then knocked loudly on the door, and we waited for an answer. We waited for around 5 minutes, but no one showed so I knocked the door for the second time. After another 5 minutes of waiting no one answered.

"Try calling someone." Pietro said.

"I'll call Wanda."

I pulled my phone out of my bag and called Wanda, but it went to voicemail. I then tried calling Nat, but she didn't answer either.

"No answer from Nat or Wanda." I said.

"Try your dad."


I called my dad, but he didn't pick up either. I then tried calling Sam but that went to voicemail too.

"No one's answering, I think everyone's sleeping." I said.

"Who goes to sleep at this time, it's not even that late." He replied.

"Clearly these people do. I mean we don't even have keys yet and they knew we were both out."

"I know, looks like we're spending the night outside."

"Babe... there's a car right there." I pointed out.

"Oh, yeah. We can sleep in there."

"Yep. There should be at least one blanket in the back. We'll make do until someone wakes up."

"All right then. Let's get back in the car."

We walked over to the car, and I opened the boot to find a blanket. We both then sat in the back of the car and cuddled up together under the blanket.

"Good night Princessa."

"Good night Speedy."

We both fell asleep pretty quickly cuddled up together in the back of the car.

I woke up the next morning when my phone started ringing. I picked it up and noticed it was my dad, so I answered it.

"Where are you?" He asked as soon as I picked up.

"Oh, good morning to you too dad." I said sarcastically.

"Y/N I'm being serious. I'm in your room and you are not. I also know you aren't in the compound, so I'll ask again. Where are you?"

"Relax, I'm outside in the car." I replied.


"Because when I got back last night the door was locked and no one was awake." I said.

"We thought you took the key."

"Nope, we did not take the key."

"So, you slept in the car?" He asked me.

"Yeah. I'll come inside in a sec. Let me just wake up Pietro."

"Why is Pietro with you?" My dad asked.

I paused for a second before answering since I didn't want my dad to get suspicious. "He went out last night too and we got back at around the same time, and we couldn't get in so I said he could sleep in the car with me."

"Makes sense. Just get inside. Its cold out there."

"Yeah, I know that."

"See you in a bit."

"Yeah, bye."

I hung up the phone and sighed as I threw it down next to me. I then kissed Pietro's forehead before shaking him slightly to get him to wake up.

"Pietro, we need to get up. We can go inside now." I whispered to him.

He groaned in response before opening his eyes and smiling at me. I smiled back at him and then lent down and kissed him gently.

"Good morning Speedy." I said.

"Morning Princessa." He said in a raspy voice.

"Time to go inside." I said softly.

"Great. The car isn't exactly comfortable."

"Yeah, I know."

I got up and opened the door and stepped out of the car. Pietro then got out and then shut the door behind him. The two of us walked up to the door and I opened it and we both walked inside. We both gave each other a hug and then went to our separate rooms. I spent the rest of the day in my room and helping to unpack the remainder of the things that we had still in boxes. 

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