The Vision

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Me and my dad led the way into the tower. We made our way down towards the lab knowing that we were about to walk right into an argument. We walked in and stood there causing Tony and Bruce to look up.

"I'm gonna say this once." My dad said, looking at Tony.

"How about nonce." Tony replied.

"Shut it down!"

"Nope not gonna happen."

I knew my dad and Tony would disagree. I was surprised they weren't shouting at each other yet.

"You don't know what you're doing."

"And you do?" Bruce asked. "She's not in your head?"

Wanda then stepped out from behind me and my dad. "I know you're angry."

"Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

I then spoke up. "Banner, after everything that's happened..."

"It's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony shouted.

"You don't know what's in there." Wanda argued.

"This isn't a game!" My dad pointed out.

I turned around and looked at Pietro. I knew what he was thinking, and I nodded at him telling him to do it. As soon as I gave him the nod he sped around the cradle and removed all the wires. Stopping whatever Tony and Bruce were doing.

"No, no. Go on..." Pietro started to say as the machine began powering down.

"You were saying?" I finished off.

There was then a gunshot, and the glass broke from underneath Pietro's feet causing him to fall down to the floor below.

"Pietro!" Wanda and I shouted as we walked over to where he had been stood only seconds before.

I looked down to see Clint standing over him.

"What?" He asked. "You didn't see that coming?"

"Clint you're not helping! Let him go!" I shouted.

The machines that Stark and Banner were using suddenly started beeping.

"I'm rerouting the upload." Tony said.

My dad then threw his shield and hit all the screens around the room. Tony responded by grabbing one of the arms of his suits and sending a blast towards my dad. Wanda attempted to fight back Tony, but Bruce grabbed her from behind

"Go ahead. Piss me off."

I then turned to face Tony with my hands glowing purple and my eyes slowly beginning to follow suit.

"Stark stop this now! We've been here once before and the thing you created wants us extinct!" I shouted.

I was about to hit Tony with my powers when my dad ran up and punched him and the two started fighting. Wanda then broke free from Bruce's hold using her powers and hit him, so he fell backwards. Thor then burst into the lab and began using his hammer to summon lightning while standing on top of the cradle.

"Wait!" Bruce shouted as everyone watched what Thor was doing.

He hit the cradle with his hammer sending the lightning through it and causing what the computers said was a power overload. Once he had stopped nothing happened and then the cradle burst open, throwing Thor backwards. The body then appeared from the cradle, and we all looked at it in shock. The thing then went to attack Thor, so he threw it towards the window. The thing stopped itself at the window and just looked at the reflection as we all hurried over. Thor put his hand up to us signalling us to not attack and we listened. The thing then flew over to us, and Thor put his hammer down. Pietro ran into the room and stopped next to Wanda.

The Captain's Daughter. (Pietro Maximoff X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now