Memories of Old Friends

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I made my way into the main room to find my dad sitting on the sofa. I walked over and sat next to him. He smiled at me which I found reassuring since I knew that thinking back to my time at HYDRA was going to be hard emotionally, but it was about time I told my dad more about my time there. I tried to steer clear of the subject since it's only been a few years since I got out and I still haven't processed it all myself but I'm getting there and maybe talking about it might help.

"So, start from the beginning." My dad told me. I took a deep breath and began my story.

"So, I was kidnapped by HYDRA in 1953 and kept in a cryostasis chamber until 2006, but you already know that. What you don't know is that I was only brought out because there were two other children there that HYDRA had recently kidnapped. They discovered that the reason that they couldn't get their plans to work was because the kids were too young so they needed to bring me out so I could actually age and get older. They took me to a different base where I was kept in a room along with two other children who were also 10. I was terrified at the time and alone. They had each other and for the first few days I just sat on my bed alone while they only spoke to each other. After about a week I think, they decided to talk to me. I'm not sure why but I'm glad they did."


"Hey." The girl said. At first, I didn't think she was talking to me until I looked up to find both the children staring at me.

"Hi." I responded quite timidly. I was really scared and had no idea what was going on. I was still cold and wrapped up in a blanket. Ever since I woke up, I haven't stopped being cold and I woke up a week ago.

"What's your name?" The boy asked me. "I'm Pietro and that's my sister Wanda."

"I'm Y/N."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Y/N."

"It's nice to meet you too." I wondered how old they were and I decided to ask them. "How old are you both?" I asked.

"We're twins, so we're both the same age. 10." Wanda told me.

"But I'm 12 minutes older." Pietro pointed out.

"I'm also 10. What are your surnames?"

"Maximoff." The twins said at the same time. I found it rather creepy that they did that but also kinda cool.

"That's a cool name." I responded.

"And you? What's your surname?" Wanda asked me.

"Erm." I paused for a second not knowing what to say. I remember that my mother used to have me introduce myself as Y/N Carter since my dad was dead and she didn't want people to realise that I was related to a big war hero that everyone knew. But since I heard some guards say that I had been asleep for a little over 50 years I decided that I would tell them my real last name. They probably wouldn't know about my dad anyway. "It's Rogers."

"Do you have any family?" Wanda asked me.

I didn't know how to respond to this. I mean 50 years is a long time. Did I have any family left? Were they alive still?

"I don't know." I replied knowing that I sounded stupid.

The twins looked at me with questioning faces and so I thought I should tell them why I don't know.

"You see I was born in 1943 actually and have been here since 1953 but I've somehow been asleep for the past 50 years. At least that's what I've gathered from what the men have said about me. I didn't have my dad anyway. He passed away in 1945 when he saved the country from a bad man known as red skull. At least that's what my mum told me. I'm not sure what happened but I know he died in the war, and I can't remember him."

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