The Debrief

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We soon arrived back at the tower and the jet landed on the landing pad. The doors opened and Clint was wheeled out of the jet to Bruce's lab with Dr Cho and some of her assistants. Nat followed them inside not leaving Clint's side. Thor followed suit with the sceptre taking it inside the tower to put it into Tony's lab. My dad, Tony and I were left in the jet. Tony powering the jet down and me and my dad packing up some things that we had left out that needed to remain on the jet. We usually left most of our equipment since it would only need to be put back for our next mission if we moved it.

Maria Hill then walked into the jet. "Lab's all set up boss." She clearly directed this statement towards Tony, but I knew that some sort of comment was coming up and sure enough it did.

"Oh, actually he's the boss." He pointed at my dad. "I just pay for everything, design everything and make everyone look cooler."

I began to laugh at his comment but my dad shot me a glare so I decided that I probably shouldn't laugh. Tony then got up and walked off the jet and into the tower.

"What's the word on Strucker?" My dad asked as he stood up from the floor leaving me to put away the last bag and follow suit.

"NATOs got him." Hill told him.

My dad and Maria began walking off the jet and I followed since talking about missions after they happen is something I always join in on. Me and my dad get any more information we need together mainly just so I can have an input but also so my dad can get a second opinion on what we are told that he deems to be reliable. I guess being the captain's daughter means you get to know things when he does.

"The two enhanced?" My dad asked.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at 10 when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special, but it's on its way to everywhere special."

I walked behind listening to Maria talk. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They were there after I had convinced myself that they weren't. My only hope was that they used the chance to escape from HYDRA since I knew that being there was no walk in the park for any of us. I continued to just listen to the conversation deciding not to reveal that I knew the twins right now.

"Their abilities?"

"He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis and mental manipulation."

We stopped at the elevator and my dad pulled a face which I knew all too well. He was clearly confused by what Maria just told us and so I decided to simplify it for him.

"He doesn't understand a word you just said Hill. Dad he's fast and she's weird like me." My dad then made a face that showed that he understood and then the doors to the elevator opened.

"Well, there're gonna show up again."


I stepped into the elevator and my dad followed suit. I pressed the button to take us to the main floor and the doors closed.

My dad turned his head to face me. "Y/N, I know that there's something that you're keeping from me so spit it out. You know we don't keep secrets."

I looked at my dad debating whether I should tell him or not since he will want to know more about it. I decide that he's right, we don't keep secrets and so I took a deep breath and started to tell him what I've been hiding. I've never mentioned that there was anyone else with me before since it's so painful to look back on, but I guess the team need to know now.

"I know them. They were with me on the project."

My dad looked at me, clearly shocked, not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I guess it's just hard to look back on and think about."

"I know but I'm gonna need you to talk about it with me so I can understand what it is that these kids are doing with HYDRA. I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but this affects everyone now."

"I know dad. Let's just get changed out of our suits first and then we can talk."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened up to the main floor. We both stepped out.

"Meet me back in here in 15 and we'll talk."

"Alright dad." And with that we both headed our separate ways. I made my way to my room and he to his.

The Captain's Daughter. (Pietro Maximoff X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now