Getting Ready For The Party

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Two days had passed since I woke up in the lab and found out how badly injured I was. Everything had been quiet in the tower since and that was a relief. Nat had been working on tracking Bruce with still no luck. Tony, my dad, Thor, Wanda and Vision had been helping to pack up the tower since we would be moving to a facility upstate where most of the Avengers would live and all would train since the tower was getting too small. Clint went home to see his family and planned on coming back later for the party. Me and Pietro were stuck doing nothing for the past two days. We spent most of our time together in his room watching movies since he had nothing that needed to be packed apart from a few changes of clothes that he went out to buy. The rest of his things were already at the new facility along with Wanda's and Vision's things since they had everything brought new it was just delivered there to save us the hassle of having to move it. Although we had spent the past two days together neither me nor Pietro had mentioned the kiss that we shared in Sokovia. I was beginning to think that I imagined the kiss and that it hadn't happened. I planned on talking to him after the party since I didn't want to make things awkward since he was the only person I could spend time with.

I woke up this morning to Wanda and Nat shouting at me telling me it was time to get up so we could go shopping. Since Wanda didn't have many clothes, we decided that we would go with her to buy a whole new wardrobe since Tony said that she could use his card to get her clothes.

"Y/N, get your lazy ass out of bed. We have shopping to do." Nat said as I opened my eyes and looked at the two smiling girls that were stood in my room.

"Come on Y/N, we have to go early so I have time to buy regular clothes too."

"Fine, I'm up. What time is it?"

"6:30 am. Get dressed, we'll wait outside with the car. Come on Wanda, you can pick what car we take."

The two girls left the room and walked down the stairs. I got out of bed and went to walk over to my desk chair without picking up my crutches and I immediately fell to the floor once I stood on both feet since it was so painful.

"For fuck sakes!" I shouted as I hit the floor with a thud. "That fucking hurt."

A few seconds later Pietro burst into my room and ran over to me at normal speed.

"I heard a bang and then you shout, you okay?" He asked as he got down onto the floor next to me.

"Yeah, I think so, I just forgot I couldn't walk without the crutches and went to get some clothes from the chair."

"Here, let me help you up." He stood up and held his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me up from the floor and helped me sit back on my bed. "What clothes do you want, I'll grab them for you."

"Just get me everything on the chair. There's only one outfit there because they clearly forgot I needed another set of clothes."

"Give me a minute. I'll be back."

I sat and waited for him to come back and when he did, he was carrying some of his clothes.

"You can have these for tomorrow, I've got spare clothes anyways."

"Thanks, speedy."

"It's alright. I'll put these on the chair where the other clothes are, once I get them." He walked over to my chair, picked up my clothes and placed his on the chair. He gave me my clothes.

"Thanks. I'm gonna have to start remembering that I can't walk on my own yet."

"You're welcome if you need anything else just let me know."

"I will. See you later speedy."

"Later princessa."

Pietro left the room and I got changed and brushed my hair and went to meet the girls outside by the car.

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