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You guys ran off to...

Back home?

Yeah you two ran back to Quackity's house and snuck through the back door which was thankfully unlocked but why?

You guys didn't know that going inside was going to be a trap...

You both get in the house and start to tip-toe to the stairs when you, both, see Quackity's Mom standing there blocking the way to get to Quackity's bedroom

Y/n: "Shit"

Quackity: "It's fine she is nice"

Quackity's Mom: "Where were you two?"

(That but it Spanish)

Quackity: "I promise we just went to a playground"

(That but in Spanish)

Quackity's Mom: "Sure, does she not know Spanish?"

(That but in Spanish)

Quackity: "No"

(That but in Spanish)

Y/n: "What are you guys saying?"

Quackity: "She is asking me about where we were and if you know Spanish"

Y/n: "Oh, But Quackity we didn't lock the door and I see the man from the park"

Quackity quickly turned around to see the man right out side the door about to open it

Quackity: "Mom long-story-short this guy is here and wants to kidnap Y/n ok? Run and get her somewhere safe please"

(That but in Spanish)

His Mom takes you and starts to run somewhere in the house but you couldn't tell you we're to focused on the fact that you were being separated from Quackity


Quackity is currently holding the door closed while calling the cops but when he hears your screams, tears come streaming down his face but he talks to the cops about everything and when he saw them outside of his house he immediately stopped holding the door and ran to wherever you were

Quackity wouldn't have known where you were if it wasn't for your muffled screams and cries

Quackity pulled you out of the closet, engulfing you in a big hug, he sits down on the floor and you sit on his lap crying into his shoulder

Quackity: "Shh it's ok baby he is gone and I think my mom just let to talk to the police so it is just you and me ok? I love you"

You stop crying and look up to face him with the tear stained face you both have

Y/n: "I love you too Quackity"

You both smile and just continue to hug until the police come in to question you two

Policeman: "Ahem I'm sorry to interrupt but we need to take you two in for questioning"

Quackity: "What!? Why!? We didn't do anything we just had some crazing person try to break in and we have to go?"

Policeman: "Are you high? Are you drunk? Sir how old are you? You to Ma'm"

Quackity: "I'm almost 19"

Y/n: "I'm 18"

Policeman: "We need to take you in for questioning"

You looked at Quackity really confused but he stood up with you still in his arms and he started to carry you out of the house and into the police car

Policeman: "You can't be on top of each other in the car, put your seatbelts on"

You and Quackity hesitated but did as he said and let go of each other and put on your seatbelts still holding hands until you got to the police station where they handcuffed you two

Quackity: "Sir? Why are we here?"

Policeman: "That man that was trying to get into your house, was your dad"

You and Quackity were speechless, jaws dropped open

Quackity: "B- But my dad is dead"

Policeman: "No no he isn't, he left you when you were young and you were just told that he died"

You don't care about the the policeman had to say or question you rested your head on Quackity's shoulder and went back to sleep

Policeman: "So, Are you drunk or high or anything of the certain?"

Quackity: "No and neither is my girlfriend"

Policeman: "What is her name?"

Quackity: "Why do I have to tell you?"

Policeman: "Because I need to contact her care takers and let them know what has happened"

Quackity: "She lives with me, I take care of her"

Policeman: "Do you know any of her other family members?"

Quackity: "No, can I sleep it's like 3 in the morning"

Policeman: "No we have to question you so wake her up or I will"

Quackity gently shook his shoulder to wake up and it did but you just put your head into his lap really wanting to sleep

Quackity: "You need to get up, Love"

Y/n: "I'm tireddd"

Quackity: "I know, I'm sorry but we have to be questioned"

You lifted your head up and looked at the policeman with hate

Y/n: "Ok what are the questions"

Policeman: "I need to know all your guys family and information then I can let you guys go"

Y/n: "My name is Y/n Y/l/n I'm 18 and my boyfriend is Alex hot pockets (idk a good last name) and he is turning 19 in like two weeks"

Policeman: "Ok can you give me your caretakers number"

Y/n: "Already wanting My Mom's number Damn ok it is 407-***-****"

Policeman: "Ok I'm going to talk to her and then you guys can be released"

You put your head back onto Quackity's shoulder and fall asleep after hearing him whisper to you

Quackity: "I love you Y/n"

Words: 908

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