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Next Morning

You woke up next to him this time and you smiled

Quackity: "Good morning love"

Y/n: "Mhm good morning baby"

Quackity: "I hate to remind you but I have to be at the airport in 1 hour so we need to leave soon"

Y/n: "But I don't want you to leave"

Quackity: "I promise we can figure something out okay? Like how about you come back home with me?"

Y/n: "I can't"

Quackity: "But why?"

Y/n: "Your telling me to call up my mom and say hey I'm going to Mexico for a while see ya! Like what? And the plane ticket would be so so expensive"

Quackity: "Oh yeah wait first just call your mom I think she would say yes and i can pay for the ticket if it means we go back together"

Y/n: "I don't want you to have to pay but I will call my mom"

You call your mom and she picks up

Y/m: "Hello? What happened?"

Y/n: "Mom?"

Y/m: "Yes? What happened? Where's Quackity?"

Y/n: "He is right next to me driving but uh I have a question"

Y/m: "What?"

Y/n: "So Quackity he uh has to go back to Mexico right? So I was wondering if I could go back with him?"

Y/n: "You didn't bring a lot of things with you on the road trip so you would have to come back and you don't have that time and also you don't have the money for that"

Quackity: "Um Ma'm I would pay for the plane ticket and I would take her shopping in Mexico when we get there so it would be all covered"

Y/m: "Well that is very nice of you Quackity I'm fine with that but I think you should talk to Y/n alone about that Bye"

Y/n: "Thank you bye"

You hung up then Quackity said

Quackity: "Your going"

Y/n: "And I'm paying"

Quackity: "Nope besides you don't have the money and we will be at the airport in 10 minutes and I don't think you can make enough money in 10 minutes"

Y/n: "We will see about that"

You went on every social media that gave you quick money and said "Help! Give me likes so I can go back to Mexico with Big Q!" And you even did a quick vlog stream thing

Y/n: "Hey guys! Hey chat do you want to see Quackity without his beanie?"

Quackity: "Noooo Y/n my beanie is in the backkk"

Quackity whinned not wanting to show people his hair yet

Y/n: "Ok hold still and pay attention to the road"

You put your phone down and reached for his beanie, you grabbed his beanie and then he sent you a quick glance

Y/n: "What?"

Quackity: "Your terrifying me just put it on and not over my eyes"

Y/n: "Ok hold still baby"


Quackity: "Shit"

Y/n: "Hm?"

You finished putting the beanie on his head

Qucakity: "Thank you darling but uh you might wanna look at chat"

Y/n: "Oh shit I called you baby didn't I?"

Quackity: "Yeah but it's fine your fine"

Y/n: "Sorry chat uh yeah I guess it's true we are dating and have been ever since the end of the last George stream"

"now I'm happy"

Quackity: "What is chat saying?"

Y/n: "They are saying POG and that they are happy and want more"

Quackity: "Should we give them more?"

Y/n: "IF WE HIT THE SUBGOAL! I'm sorry but for the subgoal im going back to Mexico with my beloved Big Q! So subscribe for that and more relationship content for you horny veiwers"

Quackity: "Yeah let's go! Subscribe chat subscribe!"

Y/n: "Yup and it looks like we are at the airport so we will be ending, the next time I stream I will ether be alone at home sad or I'm Mexico with Big Q! Byeee!"

Quackity: "Bye chat"

You ended and then looked at all of the money you made for all the social media's in 10 minutes and it was just enough to buy a plane ticket"

(I know this is not how things work but bare with me for the story)

Quackity: "So you are paying for it?"

He said as you two got out and started to walk to the airport hand in hand and his other hand has his suitcase

Y/n: "Yup! I get to stay with you!"

Quackity: "That reminds me that you will really like my younger cousin"

Y/n: "Really? Why?"

You guys just got in the airport and now are on the escalator

Quackity: "Yeah she is like 3 or 4 and she really loves your content and uh I told her that I was dating you and she was like REALLY happy"

Y/n: "aww that's cute"

Quackity: "Yeah I bet she is really excited to see you"

Y/n: "I can't wait to meet her!"

You guys get on the plane and got to sit right next to each other

Quackity: "Baby? Can I lean my head on your shoulder to sleep?"

Y/n: "Oh yeah of course!"

You smile and he soon falls asleep

Time skip to when you land

Y/n: "Wake up!"

Quackity: "Mhm no"

Y/n: "Come on Quackity"

Quackity: "No"

Y/n: "Big Q?"

Quackity: "No"

Y/n: "Alex?"

Quackity: "Nooo"

Y/n: "Uh baby?"

Quackity shot his head up looked at you then quickly pulled down both of your masks to steal a quick kiss before grabbing the luggage over head and leaving the plane with you right behind him

Time skip to parking lot

You guys got into Quackity's car and started to drive to his house

Y/n: "When am I meeting your cousin?"

Quackity: "Probably tomorrow, I kinda want to just cuddle and relax for the rest of the day well uh if you want to"

Y/n: "It's fine we can cuddle and relax and i can see her tomorrow!"

You guys got to Quackity's house and you were both inside with the luggage when you remembered...

Words: 1053

Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now