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Y/n: "Quackity? What happened back there?"

Quackity: "It's nothing to worry about darling"

Y/n: "What was she yelling about?"

Quackity: "I was late to the funeral so she was mad at y- uh yeah at me"

Y/n: "Really? No, no you were going to say me weren't you?"

You and Quackity stopped at this abandoned looking playground and you two went over to it and sat at the bottom under the playground holding each other

Quackity: "I'm sorry but yeah My Mom blames you for making me late even though I told her it wasn't your fault and that you were sleeping"

Y/n: "I'm really sorry"

Quackity: "It's okay baby its not your fault, by the way it's almost dinner what would you want to eat since we are probably going back tomorrow"

Y/n: "Ok wait we have to sleep here like on the dirty ground?"

Quackity: "Oh uh no we don't have to I- I guess"

Y/n : "It's fine we can stay out here and also I ate like half an hour ago so I'm fine"

Quackity: "Ok well let's find a comfortable place to sleep on the ground"

Y/n: "I'm not sleeping on the ground, I can just sleep on top of you"

Quackity chuckled and pulled you into a hug and he gave you a quick kiss on your forehead before pulling away and going on top of the playground

Quackity: "Come on we can watch the sunset up here!"

Y/n: "Wait! I'm not tall enough to get up the broken ladder"

Quackity: "Sorry shortie, haha loser!"

You looked up at him in the eyes from the ground and you gave him the cutest puppy eyes ever and he looked at you for a few seconds before deciding to help you up (simp)

He went back down on the ground and then gently grabbed your waist raising you up in the air letting you grab onto the bars at the top and pull yourself up from there and then when you were all the way up, he got up with ez and he pulled you up to the highest point of the playground

you guys sat there watching the sunset saying how much you love each other, holding hands but when the sun was fully gone and it was pitch black you got tired and scared

Y/n: "Baby I'm kinda scared"

Quackity: "Why are you scared darling"

Y/n: "What if like a person or animal comes and kills us"

Quackity: "Nobody will I promise ok? We need to go to sleep now baby"

Y/n: "Ok I'm sleeping on you, not on the dirty playground"

Quackity: "Ok baby mhm your so cute"

Quackity said as you both got comfortable together

Y/n: "Goodnight Baby"

Quackity: "Goodnight Love"

you both falling asleep short after not knowing what would happen at night...

(no im not giving you a cliffhanger lol)

This strange person was walking up to the playground Quackity quickly woke up from the sound but pretended to be asleep, this person looked and seemed homeless and like he... wanted something that Quackity has as soon as Quackity saw that want in the strangers eye for some reason he held onto you tighter because he was worried he was going to try and get you and Quackity soon decided to say something

Quackity: "Hey man I see you trying to get up here! What do you want?"

Stranger: "Well you two look quite rich and uh I was wondering if you have any money for me?"

Quackity: "Here dude"

Quackity threw the stranger a dollar in quarters and the stranger caught it

Stranger: "Thanks do you think I could talk to that young lady"

Quackity: "No man sorry"

Quackity and the stranger were slightly yelling because they were far away which caused you to wake up

Y/n: "Huh? What's going on baby?"

You asked Him softly and quietly

Quackity: "Don't worry about it Darling, go back to sleep"

Stranger: "Is she awake?"

Quackity: "Uh no man sorry"

The Stranger some how got got up on the playground so now he has easy access to you two

Quackity: "Hey man I'd don't have anymore money! Get away"

Stranger: "It's fine it's not like I'm going to hurt you just take something from you"

Quackity: "Here man take this can of food I don't know what you want from me"

The stranger was now right next to you two and he demanded for Quackity to wake you up

Quackity: "Ok uh Hey Baby we got to get up"

Y/n: "Noooo I'm still tired baby"

Quackity: "I'm sorry I know your tired but someone is here for you"

You woke up and sat straight up to look at the stranger

Y/n: "I'm sorry but do I know you?"

Stranger: "No but I know that your pretty and probably rich so I want you"

Y/n: "No, Quackity?"

Quackity: "Sorry man but she is already taken and won't be going anywhere"

The stranger tries to grab you and successfully gets you but then Quackity throws a punch at him and he falls to the ground as you run back into Quackity's arms

Quackity: "Are you ok?"

Y/n: "I'm fine can we leave?"

Quackity: "Ok yeah follow me"

Quackity takes you to the broken ladder where you guys got up from and he jumped down but you were to scared to jump

Quackity had his hands 🙌 out to catch you and reassured you that he will catch you and keep you safe

You jumped and 3 seconds later were safe in Quackity's arms he then gently put you down and you two ran off to...

Words: 958

Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now