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Y/n: "No..."

Quackity: "You don't?"

Y/n: "Well why don't we just stay up it's only and couple hours till sunrise"

Quackity: "I think we should go back to sleep"

Quackity layed down on the bed and looked back up at you

Y/n: "Pleaseeeee I really want to go on a road trip or something"

Quackity: "Then go on a road trip"

Y/n: "With you..."

Quackity: "Ok we could go to the mall?"

Y/n: "Yesss let's go!"

Quackity got out of bed and he held your hand as you two quietly walked down the stairs but you saw your mom in the kitchen getting a glass of water

Y/m: "What are you two doing?"

Y/n: "Roadtrip"

Y/m: "Where?"

Y/n: "Mall!"

Y/m: "Really?"

Y/n: "Yes!"

Y/m: "Ok"

Your mom walked back to her room as you and Quackity walked outside to see your ex leaning on your car

Quackity: "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Y/e: "Oh nothing..."

Quackity: "Well can you get your ass off our car"

Y/e: "I don't know Y/n, Do you want me to get my ass off your car"

Y/n: "Y- Yes"

Y/e: "Oh I missed that word coming from your mouth"

Your ex then got off and started walking towards you and you stepped back a little obviously scared but didn't want to show it

Quackity squeezed your hand tighter and stepped in front of you

Quackity: "Back off"

Y/e: "Oh so she's your now?"

Quackity: "Yes she's mine so back the fuck up!"

Y/e: "Y/n?"

Y/n: "... A- Ale-


Your ex slammed his fist into his side clearly mad

Quackity: "Wait how the fuck do you know my name no one has called me my real name yet"

Your ex didn't say anything and just walked off somewhere but you couldn't tell where

You turned to Quackity and he opened his arms for me but I didn't move towards him and just stood there in shock so Quackity walked up to you and hugged you pulling you by your waist

Which trigged you because you immediately started crying into his chest and wouldn't stop crying so he picked you up and walked back inside

Quackity Pov

Y/n started crying into my chest it hurt so bad to see my favorite girl like this so I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist, my arms on her back and she calmed down a little but not much so I carried her inside to see her mom


Y/m: "What happened"

Quackity: "It was her ex, she didn't get touched but the words hurt her I think so i am just going to lay her down on her bed then uh go to uh my bed"

Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now