She Had A Face Straight Out A Magazine

Start from the beginning

My eyes widen a bit, but as far as I know, I'm perfectly healthy.

"Your daddy was in the hospital when you were born," he laughs a bit, but its not filled with humor, it's kind of empty. "One of his mates had gotten injured in a game so he rushed them to the hospital, it just so happened that your momma was rushed there too, and I promise, the date was 17th of November." He shrugs, "I rushed over to the hospital when your daddy called – two of my friends in the hospital, I was kind of nervous. by then, I knew Heather was pregnant but, the dates weren't really adding up – you came a bit early."

Papa reaches over to the bookshelf and hands me another photo album – my baby album. There's only one picture of me in the hospital; I never really looked at it before, but I realize now the person who's holding me is a woman. "You were healthy," Papa tells me, "nothing wrong with you at all," he chuckles, "Kind of chunky too," he pokes at my side and I squirm a bit. "But I haven't seen your mother since then. I left the hospital, you were both asleep and I left a note, told her to call me when she needed my help. She never did. A few weeks later, we're mulling about, setting up for the holidays. It's starting to snow and your Daddy was making hot chocolate while I try to set up our first Christmas tree. We get a knock at the door and I went to go get it. I didn't see anyone at first, just a car passing by, and then I look down and you're sleeping in a little basin, just a note from Heather on your blanket, 'Take care of Marceline, you'll be a better parent than I ever could be, love always, Heather.' And that was it."

Papa frowns, tilting his head, "Don't cry, Princess," He pulls me to his chest and I hear him sniffling. "It's alright, baby," he murmurs. "We don't resent it, we love you, you're one of the best things to happen to us."

"I love you," I tell him, sobbing grossly. He strokes my hair and pulls me onto his lap like I'm a little girl again. It's how Matty and Daddy find us upon their return.

"Hey," Matty mumbles, striding beside us, he takes a seat next to Papa and rubs at my back.

"Hey," Papa greets back hoarsely. Daddy notes the books askew on the floor.

"Oh," He sighs out, "I'm sorry, Marcy."

I pull away from Daddy. My eyes are still wet but I try to smile up at Daddy, "It's okay, I'm fine," I tell him. I didn't know my mom, I didn't think I wanted to know her, but I'm glad Papa told me, because I appreciate them so much more. I don't resent her. I don't know her motives, but I suppose she was only trying to give me the best. I wipe at my eyes and reach my hands up for Daddy to pull me up. I give him a hug, "I love you."

He hugs me back tight, "I love you, too, Marcy."

I pull back and grin, "Papa said he misses your curls," I giggle before grabbing Matty's arm and dragging him away. Papa lets out a moan and calls me a bigmouth before we're out of earshot.

"You alright, Mars?" He asks and I nod my head, trying to explain what had just occurred, taking a seat on the steps.

"Shit," He murmurs, pulling me for a hug. I notice the bag's they had left at the door and quirk an eyebrow.

"You went shopping with Daddy?"

"Hmm?" He glances to the bags, coming out of his stupor. He smiles indolently, "Yeah, he knows his fashion."

"It went alright then?" I bite at my lips, canting my head to rest on his shoulders. He wraps his arm around me, nodding.

"Yeah, it was fun, actually. Got some presents and stuff. Gonna help set up the tree later," he tells me.

"I didn't know you celebrate Christmas," I admit.

He shrugs, "Not really, but its nice to be around family, and I like handing presents over."

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