Isabella also wasn't just a Senator the second Vandal Savage paid for his painting she used the rest of the money to start up her own start up tech company and with her High IQ she created several apps she already had in mind in wanted to work on after High School before she was offered the Senator job and shared it with her friends that had a similar IQ as hers, even Yuri who made time in showing up to that small meeting. They loved the apps and Isabella hired her friends with Sabina with her programming skills and Yuri with her math skills as both of the higher ups and with the job of hiring people mainly to do an all female staff in wanting to make her tech company stand out from the others also with allowing Saturday jobs for teenage interns wanting to get into the working business, Yuri ended up retiring from modeling and worked full time at Isabella's tech company to be around her friends again like before she made a hedge name for herself in the modeling world. Within the two weeks Isabella's tech company had gotten an evaluation of over ten million dollars with the help of a few investors Isabella knew along with some people from congress that aided a little, most of the staff that was hired where young and understood what people needed in apps also half of them where anime nerds in which the inside of the building was mostly anime themed not just anime but Kawaii things as well. Isabella wanted to show Bruce and Lex her own company and in wanting to go into business with hoping they would be part of her share holders even though she had a mysterious backer that she didn't know who it was, however she had a feeling they would do it for her but Isabella wanted to hear them say it with there own words, Isabella also had another reason why she wanted to start her own company and that reason was for a proper headquarters for the Dollars top leaders and for herself as the founder.

With Isabella's company that she named O'Day Tech to still honor her father's name she started getting rivals from other start up tech companies in trying to take her down or trying to steal her business, even the parents and family of some of her friends that loved money and greed from than them tried suing Isabella in trying to squeeze every cent she had for themselves since half of her friends where her age and still counted as minors. Luckily Isabella knew her friend's greedy family would come in the picture and had a lot of ass kicking lawyers on her side along with child services supporting them, things ended up the other way around. With a lot of evidence Isabella's friends that suffered from abuse and either ran away or where thrown out where getting the justice they deserved. Isabella sued those people with not only with imprisonment but with a heavy restraining order after they got out, those people where forces to pay practically everything they had back to there children which made them selling there homes and that money went to Isabella's friends. Her friends where go happy and grateful to Isabella they even threw her a surprise party at Isabella's company for her the following day, they said to her that they where so lucky to have such a loyal friend and Isabella said the same thing to them. Even her employees said they where happy to be working for someone like her and even swore loyalty to her, even the ones that turned out to be spies that in the end decided to work with her after seeing how she treated her staff.

A few days later the scheduled date for Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor come, Bruce didn't come alone since Dick and Damian where with him. The first to arrive was Lex Luthor, he was very surprised when he came out of the airport and could tell even by the air how clean everything was, people where more friendlier, he didn't see any homeless people that California was suppose to be known for during his drive to Isabella's manor Lex even noticed some barons of Isabella with her faze ' be yourself, love yourself." of course she was wearing lolita in those barons that made them stand out a little, Lex also noticed all the restaurants that where being build or remolded and also store and shops that had a little Asian touch which he had a feeling that Isabella had something to do with. Lex was very impressed with the work and thought Isabella had put into and couldn't wait to see more of it not only that but seeing her own company after she told him about in wanted to see and check out, Lex already knew that she wanted to start her own tech company but didn't think she would start so soon.

The gothic lolita and the batfamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora