This is all just a game...

Start from the beginning

If he only had let me explain!

I was bored!

And it's not like that our homeroom caterpillar is even teaching us anything useful today.

Am I a villain because of that?

Ahm no... maybe a hobby villain but not a real one.


It was fun being one in my thoughts!

Besides I am in a hero course and if I were one than I would be one heck of a villain.


Thinking about it....

That day, if All Might didn't came back I could have been one for real.

Ohh society and the heroes would have been screwed if I were one.

But that's not the point.

I am still a hero and I didn't have any plans to change anything about that.

So please don't misunderstand this!

I am sure you are clever enough to know that I was just bored.... I hope...

Once Nezu was in front of the classroom he looked at us and I had a feeling he was looking more often my way than over the rest of them. I also wanted to throw all the evidence aka my notebook out of the window. At that point all I wanted was to vanish or burry myself in the ground.

Nezu: I will make this short.

Thank god he is in a good mood!

And here I thought that he would do something to us...

He isn't Aizawa after all.

He was again smiling as if he had something in his mind to look forward to and whatever it was I knew I didn't want to know it.

Nezu: There will be a special exercise held in a couple of days.

As I thought bad news.

... you are not Aizawa!

Why are you doing this to us?

What did we do!

I don't even want to know what you are thinking!

Are you out of your mind?

I began questioning the reason he was here and that was when he looked at me once again and just smiled. That was the moment I immediately stopped thinking about anything. The gaze he gave me was nearly as if he was telling me and warning me to go on and question him more.


I am okay as I am so I'll stop questioning you!

Can he read minds?

Ah whatever!

Better not go on and listen to what he has in mind.

Nezu: I won't be saying what it is or when it starts since this is a school that is preparing you for the daily workflow of a hero. As such you will need to learn how to deal with these kinds of things.

That was all he said before leaving the room, leaving us speechless and Aizawa sighing a lot. Needless to say, that we started questioning the poor man. He however didn't know a thing. That's how it was. He was as surprised about this as we were. It just so happened that the rat god of UA got bored out of his mind and decided to do something new.

End of flashback brought to you by Izuku quickly putting away his notebook after Nezu left just in case another chimera would pop out of the vents.

You got to be kidding me!

Me: ... Please don't tell me that you chose me only because of my notebook!

As I began looking around a little bit more I saw a drone heading my way and dropping of an ear piece in front of me. If that wasn't alluring and suspicious than I didn't know what is. There were a couple of things bothering me.

- First thing that came to my mind was the piece of paper stating that I was the villain.

- Second the abandoned city that was only abandoned because of the hurricane that destroyed half of the city. Luckily it was evacuated in time. Still this wasn't for sure a place one wants to be in. Especially when not even a single building was stable.

- Third I was literally in the middle of the street exposed to any harm and heroes!!!

The heck did you even think when you guys put me here?!

And I still want to know why I am wearing that and who changed me!

Really who changed me!

Who even designed this?

Are these daggers around my waste?

I could remember Nezu's smile and how he phrased this exercise all too well. In contrary to his words his eyes and that smile was giving him away.

You say exercise but this is all for your entertainment!

I took the earbud in my hand and started inspecting it. Cautious was the key word here. That could have been something completely else. I still didn't know exactly what was going on.

Judging on the paper I would say some kind of villain vs hero exercise but then again why go to such an extended of bringing us here. There was also no telling who was us and who my opponent was supposed to me.

Me: You want me to just take it?

There was no point in asking that but I still did that anyways before somehow activating it and placing it in my ear.

Well here goes nothing!

Hopefully I can get some clues out of this.

I swear if this is some kind of twisted Aizawa surprise exercise than I am done with this.

Wait no!

My class will be done!

I can finally test my theories out!

Ohh this sounds surprisingly nice!

I wonder how far I can take this.

Well anyways let's first find out what is going on.

Why we are in this city!

Why they chose me as a villain.

If there are more villains.

Who are my opponents.

And most important what are the rules!

I wonder what I am allowed to do as the villain.

Well anyways sounds like fun if I think about this a little bit more.

A/N: His costume

A/N: His costume

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Seriously! Why am I the villain?! (UA Civil War Game)Where stories live. Discover now