Chapter 16

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Reaching her villa, Amirah put her bicycle in the garage and took a shower changing out of her uniform. As she's about to take her laptop to continue her council work, her mobile rang and it's Max,the book store owner. "Hello, Amirah?" He called out joyously like always.

"Hello to you too Max. New books arrived?" Amelia asked as he said some French, Russian and other language novels will arrive tomorrow evening. Amirah thought for sometime before saying "I will be there on Monday evening. I'm quite busy these days with school work."

"That would be no problem. You can visit the shop whenever you want. Take care, child." Saying he ended the call before she can return that greeting.  Amirah shook her head and tossed the phone aside opening her laptop. Searching for an hour, she finally found something she liked.

Balloon and floral themes. In the way and entrance would be balloons attached with strings. While the school interior would be arranged in different flowers. She wrote down the names of the flowers in a paper which are more than 20 types. So she called Alexa hoping she would help.

"Alexa, it's me Amirah. Are you free now?" Meanwhile Alexa who just came out of shower was surprised seeing her new council mate calling her. "Yeah, I just got out of shower. You need something?" Hearing the words she wanted, Amirah explained her situation to her new friend.

"If it's about floral arrangement, I'm sorry I won't be of much help. But Isla, our dear chair person was an expert in that. Actually she's in my house right now. Her family went out on a business trip and she's stuck with me for a week." Alexa chuckled as she told Amirah about their situation.

"Then can you ask her if she mind helping me?" Alexa hummed and shouted Isla's name asking her to come to her room. Once she learned about someone asking about flower arrangement, Isla immediately took the phone from Alexa and went back to her room.

"So you got more than 20 types of them and wants to select the best 8 or 9 of them. Tell me their names..." Like this,they talked for half an hour and finally settled with Orchids, Cut Lilies, Peonies, Ranunculus, Allium, Gladiolus, Carnations, Dahlia and Zinnia. Thanking her, Amirah ended the call and researched about flower arrangement using the said flowers.

She liked 5 of them and along with the balloon arrangements, she mailed them all to Luke and told him to decide which one would be best. She went to the kitchen and  found some food in the fridge. Reheating it, she ate in a fast pace and went to her room to double check if she packed everything for her two day trip.

Seeing her camping supplies, some utensils, clothes and all the things she may require in the ring,she nodded in relief and laid on the bed with Reagan curling on a pillow beside her. She woke up early next morning and got dressed in a royal blue color t shirt with small white floral design on the edges which is paired with a black jeans and white coat reaching her hips.

She also took a purse for namesake and got her car keys. She did practice driving before but it's her first time driving by herself and going some where. Walking to the garage with Reagan sitting on her shoulder, she pressed a button and watched as the garage door opened as two expensive cars appeared in her sight.

One is a white color Koenigsegg Trevita and a silver color Ferrari SF90. She has to say, the gods who sent her has quite a good taste. The two cars are...awesome. That's the only word coming to her mind seeing the two. She's torn on which to choose and finally decided to go with Koenigsegg for that day.

Since she practiced with the Ferrari before, it's her first time driving this car. Getting into the driving seat, she observed the car's interior carefully. After noting every detail only did she started it. As the car exited the garage, the door closed automatically.

She reached the forest outskirts in just a few hours as she's driving slowly...not that slowly actually. That car is quite addicting and driving it in high speed is really good. Storing her car in her ring after making sure no one is watching, she slowly walked into the forest following the way they went before.

Reaching the cave,she saw her protective enchantment still there. Amirah sighed in relief as no one seems to find this place. She nudged Reagan who ran inside the cave with her following him. Inside the cave, there are two huge rocks leaning on each other and some small plants are growing between them.

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