Chapter 10

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Just as she opened the door and went in, Reagan flew into her embrace. "Ami, it's boring here without you." Chuckling at the whining little guy, Amirah kissed his cheek. "Well, get used to it or stay in the contract space." Without thinking, he answered. "Let me stay in the contract space. In that way, I can be with you. Also,if there are any bad guys I will deal with them."

Looking at the serious expression on his little face, Amirah broke out in laughter. "Alright. From now on, you are my little Knight." Going to her room, Amirah put Reagan on the bed and went to take a bath. Changing into another set of clothes, Amirah fell on her bed and Reagan climbed on top on her.

Seeing the little guy curling into a ball on her stomach,she lightly stroked him who's completely enjoying it. Just then she received a notification that she's added in a group ' spring student council'. Taking a look,she tossed the phone aside. "Ami" Amirah looked at the little guy calling her and responded "Hmm".

"When will you start your cultivation?" Amirah now only remembered this issue. "I've been busy this whole week and completely forgot about it." Sighing she slowly sat up and put Reagan aside. Sitting cross legged,she started to feel the energy surrounding her.

But she opened her eyes within minutes and confusion was clearly written all over her face. Seeing her suddenly stopping, Reagan asked. "What happened?" Amirah shook her head and once again started cultivating. But the result is obviously same. "I'm already in 2nd level... And my physique seems like it's changed completely."

At this time, another voice sounded in her mind. "You have awakened a new physique. Also it formed a natural circulation route in your body which means your body started cultivating on it's own continuously." Aarush slowly spoke analysing her situation. "You knew about this physique, Aarush?"

"No. But it's both a blessing and curse to you now." Amirah was surprised that even Aarush knew nothing about this. "What do you mean?" A sigh sounded in her mind followed by Aarush's words. "With the power you have now, you can't control the flow of energy in your meridians. What if you enter a area with high amount of qi?"

"This... what to do now?" Even though she's an overlord before,her age is less than 200 which is considered as a fledgling in other's eyes. Her talent is the major reason why she has many enemies in the first place. So the things she knew were very few. "Just strengthen your body using the herbs. With your talent,you can control the qi flow within 6 to 7 years. Until then, use different kinds of herbs to strengthen your meridians."

Amirah mentally nodded at Aarush's suggestion and told Reagan about this. "Ami, remember the cave you found me?" Amirah confusedly nodded at his sudden question. "That cave has the type of herbs you need. I don't know their name but only function. Let's go there and see. As they're somewhat hidden, no one should have found them."

Amirah thought for a second before agreeing with his words. "Let's go there this weekend." Amirah once again sighed as she can feel the qi entering her automatically. And the rate doubles if she actively pulls the qi to her. "Leave this topic for now. I'm hungry. Let's go and cook something."

After eating lunch, Amirah took a small basket full of fruits and picked Reagan up putting him on her shoulder. "Let's go and introduce ourselves to our neighbors." The villa right to her was empty and the left side,an old couple are living there.

Pressing the calling bell, Amirah patiently waited for them to open the door. An old man who's age seems to be early sixties opened the door and looked at her in confusion. " My name is Amirah Cole. I recently moved to the villa beside yours." The old man nodded with a smile and invited her in. As she sat in the living room, another voice sounded behind her.

"Who is it, David?" Amirah looked back and saw a woman who's also in early sixties walking towards them. "This girl is our neighbor, Cora. She just moved into the villa beside us." Amirah also stood up and introduced herself. "Hello,my name is Amirah." She nodded at the girl with a smile.

"My name is Cora Silas and that's my husband David Silas." Cora came beside her and sat. "You are living there alone?" Amirah nodded and told them the story which she already prepared. "My parents died in an accident last year. And this villa was their last gift to me."

THE LIFE OF A FEMALE OVERLORD ON EARTHWhere stories live. Discover now