Chapter 11

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The couple are somewhat shocked at her answer but just nodded and apologized. "Oh, sorry for bringing up that,dear." Cora said with a sad smile and held Amirah's hand in hers. 'Is she trying to comfort me?' Amirah also smiled back at the lady to convey she's ok. 'Oh well,they don't even exist alright'.

"It's alright, Mrs. Silas." And their talk is interrupted by Reagan nudging her cheeks trying to gain her attention. Looking at the little fur ball, she picked him and put her on her lap introducing him. The couple smiled softly at their interaction. "This is my best friend, Reagan."

David put his hand near Reagan to see if he'll come to him. The little guy sniffed his hand few times and climbed to his shoulders. "It seems he likes you dear." Cora looked at her husband who's petting the small squirrel.

Amirah also gave the fruits she brought to Cora. In the middle of their talk,Cora and David insisted her to call them as grandpa and grandma instead of Mr and Mrs Silas. Not wanting to upset the couple, Amirah decided to follow their wishes.

Seeing it's already late, Amirah got up to leave. "Grandma Cora, it's getting late. I will see you tomorrow." Cora who's working in the kitchen came to the living room. "Stay for dinner dear. It's almost complete." Amirah politely refused saying she's got to do something and left bidding them farewell.

Going to her room, Amirah took out the folder Luke gave her which explains clearly about the duty of council. "Go and sleep Reagan. I have work to do."Reagan jumped onto the bed and curled on a pillow. Amirah lightly skimmed through the file and put it aside.

Luke already explained most of them to her before,so there's no need to waste her time reading them again. Feeling not sleepy, she took out her next year curriculum books and started reading in a moderate pace. The next thing she knew is the alarm beeping continuously.

'It seems I entered into dreamlands while reading'. As it's only six in the morning,she has two hours to get ready as the classes starts at 08:30. Slowly getting off of the bed, Amirah went to kitchen and made herself a coffee and made her way to the lawn outside. Sitting on the swing,she lost herself looking around.

Before she didn't have much time to come here but now it became her favorite place. Amirah got up reluctantly to get ready for school. 'Reagan will like this place. That lazy fluff ball stayed in the house all the time but didn't even explore it.' With a fond smile she returned to her room.

'That lady did say that this villa has the best garden when she gave me a tour around the villa. Also I need to hire a gardener. Can't let this place lose it's beauty. I will talk to the management if they can recommend someone'. Dropping Reagan in the garden area, Amirah left the place only after warning him not to ruin the flowers.

Amirah reached the school grounds 15 minutes before the classes start. Greeting the people she saw with a smile, Amirah went to her class and sat beside the window like yesterday. A moment later, her benchmate also arrived. If she remembered correctly, her name is Ivy and it didn't take much to guess that Aiden and Ivy are related.

"Hello, my name is Ivy. Hope we get along well." Saying Ivy offered her hand to shake. Amirah held her hand with a smile and replied. "My name is Amirah,you can call me Amy." Ivy has a bright and cheery personality which effects others too. The two slowly talked about their favorites and exchanged their numbers.

Soon their English teacher Hazel came inside and the class went silent. "Good morning students. Today I will explain about your syllabus and we will officially start lessons from tomorrow." As she explained, some students are just listening while some are writing the main points and Ivy, Amirah came in this category.

Their schedule is like 08:30 to 09:10 English, 09:15 to 09:55 Maths,10:00 to 10:40 science, 10:40 to 11:00 break, 11 to 11:40 social, 11:45 to 12:30 arts (one day arts,one day music,one day dance class). Then it's lunch break till 01:30, then they spent the next two hours in their respective clubs. The school ends at 03:30 and the students are allowed to stay in the library till 05:30 in the evening.

The next was Maths class which was taught by Eric Scott who seems to be in his late forties. He is somewhat what you call a strict teacher with a serious face. Like Hazel,he also explained their curriculum. Science is taught by Leah Webb who's in mid twenties. Social is taught by Nolan Brown who's also in late forties.

As for arts, drawing is taught by Ms.Erica, dance by Mr.Henry and music by Ms.Sophia and Mr.Joel. As there're no actual classes today, it's somewhat boring to Ivy and Amirah. In arts class, Ms.Erica taught them how to get different shades by mixing different colors.

Just as she exited her class,she came across Aiden and Luke who most likely are there for her. Seeing Aiden, Ivy ran and hugged her brother. "Brother." Aiden also hugged her back with a smile. Amirah turned her attention to Luke. "What are you doing here?"

 "What are you doing here?"

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Her Garden

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Her Garden

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