Chapter 15

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As she's cooking dinner, Reagan was looking her. "When will it be ready, Amy? I'm hungry." Ignoring his whining, she continued cooking. "Don't ignore me." The squirrel started pulling her dress making a tick mark appear on her forehead. "I will toss you outside if you don't stop your whining."

That threat did manage to calm that little guy as he ran to the dining table seeing her switching off the stove. As they are eating, Amirah sighed thinking about how her life turned upside down few days ago. Shaking those thoughts aside, she took Reagan and went to the garden and sat under the flower arch.

"Amy, amy...what are you thinking so deeply. You didn't even hear me calling you." Reagan asked sounding worried. "Nothing, just thinking about what our future has in store for us." Saying she stroked the little fluff ball in her hands with a thought 'at least I'm not alone'. "Who cares about it? If something has to happens,then it will happen. I just hope I can eat good food daily."

Amirah's somewhat happy mood was instantly destroyed with those words as she rubbed his fur furiously ignoring his pleas. "Food,food, food. Can't you think about anything else?" Saying she tossed him to her back and went inside. And Reagan, stood up rolling on the ground twice.

"Hey, don't leave me alone." He cried seeing her leaving and ran after her. As the day ended, Amirah curled up in her bed sleeping peacefully. Her sleep was disturbed by the alarm clock saying it's time to wake up. Putting the alarm off, she sat up yawning on the bed for sometime before going to the washroom to get ready.

Leaving the little fluff ball in the house, Amirah made her way to the school on her bicycle. 'Still the same boring classes' she thought sitting in her place in the classroom. Soon her friends Ivy, Livia and Leon also joined her and the quartet just talked randomly until the teacher arrived.

After class, Ms.Hazel called Amirah and told her to meet her in her office after lunch. Even though confused, Amirah nodded her head saying she will be there on time. Seeing her coming back inside,Ivy pulled her hand and asked "Hey,what happened? Why did Ms.Hazel call you?"

"Don't Know, told me to meet her after lunch." Hearing it, Ivy shrugged tossing that matter aside as their math teacher Mr.Scott entered the classroom. Asking them to submit their homework, he continued teaching from where he stopped. The next three classes soon completed and the quartet headed for the cafeteria to grab some lunch.

Ivy is pulling Amirah with her as she half ran to the cafeteria. "Who told you to wake up late and miss your breakfast?" Amirah retorted seeing her friend's expression which resulted in her glaring at Amirah. After lunch, Amirah headed to         Ms.Hazel's office before going to the council room.

She knocked twice on the door and entered after hearing the permission for her to get in. "Ms.Hazel" she greeted as the teacher motioned her to take a seat. "You seem to have no interest in the classes. Is there any problem, Amirah?" She asked concerned which surprised Amirah that she even observed her.

"It's not about interest, Ms.Hazel. The thing is my memory is almost like eidetic one. I already read the books and the lessons...are boring?" She completed like it's a question which made Hazel sigh in relief. She thought Amirah lost her interest in studies.

"Well, I have a solution to that problem." Hearing it, Amirah looked at her teacher curiously. "If you continue to maintain high grades and did your work perfectly for the first 5 months, I will ask other teachers to put you in advanced curriculum." Amirah nodded to herself thinking it is a nice deal and asked "Advanced curriculum?"

"That means you will take your National College Entrance Test in the end of your second year itself instead of third year." Hazel explained seeing her student's confused expression. "Alright, you have a deal. Ms.Hazel." Amirah wasted no time in agreeing to it and left for council room after thanking her teacher.

In the council, Amirah made herself busy finalising the decorations and theme which is the work Luke gave her that day. But it's somewhat complicated as she had to look at all the places and to find the best design for the event designers to decorate.

Hearing the final bell, Amirah sighed and told Luke that she will sent the final report to his mail tomorrow morning as tomorrow is Saturday which is a non working day. Luke told her to take her time as the event designers would come to collect it on Monday evening.

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