Chapter one: the night it all started

ابدأ من البداية

Once he said it the women were blown away and knocked out on impact. He got up and I saw his eyes were bright red with circles in them and 9 tommes inside.

Tsunade:(shocked) the legendary rinna-sharigan!

I said out loud as I saw him looked in my direction and smile and wave at me. I waved and smile at him and see him started to walk but his eyes rolled in the back of his head and he started falling, I was behind him and caught him before he fall and disappeared back to his home.


Me and Minato are in our living room sitting on the couch getting lectured for the third while Jariyia and Orachimaru standing behind him and glaring at us. Reason for this is because we have forgotten our only son's birthday and we have been neglecting him, I started to recall every time we forgotten his birthday and times when we forgot him when we go out, I started to cry as Minato was looking down in shame.

Hiruzen: how could you forget your eldest child's birthday like he does even exist!!!!

Jariyia: Minato haven't I thought you that family is the most important thing?

Minato:(sad voice) y..yes sensai you have.

Jariyia: so how come you forgot that it is your eldest birthday today?

Minato: sensai, it isn't my fault we have been busy with the twins lately that we forgot his birthday.

Orachimaru: that's bullshit!!!, you guys knew what you were doing, you did this on purpose didn't you.

Kushina: no! we never meant for this to happened.

Hiruzen: what do you mean by this, did you guys plan something.

Kushina: yes lord third (head down) we had planned to train the twins in unlocking their chakra chains and teach them how to contain there brother in case he loses control, we never wanted to forget him and treat him this way.

Hiruzen: so you are telling me that you wanted to train the girls on how to put a leash on their big brother!!!!

Minato: No, no that's not what we wanted to do.


Kushina: we are sorry, we didn't want to do this.

Naruko: do what mommy.

I looked to my left to see my four years old girls looking at us confused.

Kushina: Come here girls (comes over and she put them in her lap) why aren't you guys asleep yet.

Narumi: Bewause we want to surprise naru-nii-chan, it's is birthday remembwer.

Naruko: yeah, Kaa-san we even got him gwifts see.

They then pull out drawings and paintings of them and Naruto together, holding hands.

Narumi: Kaa-san, where is big brother, I don't see him in his room.

Kushina: Oh um he is probably coming home now.

And if on cue the door burst open to reveal Tsunade and a blood covered Naruto with white substances on him as well.

Tsunade: I don't got time to explain.

She said and run upstairs and into his room.

Kushina: w...was that na...Naruto she had in her arms.

I said and got no response, I sat there for a minute with tears in my eyes and got up and ran to his room but was stopped at the base of the stairs by Tsunade.

Naruto: soldier of 141حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن