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Chris’s POV

I hold him as he cries into my chest in his bedroom, patting his back.

“It’s alright Lei, I love you and I’ll make it okay,” his sobs heave and shudder through his body.

“I’m s… sorry.”

“Don’t apologise Lei, please don’t apologise,” I kiss his forehead and hold him until he calms down a little.

“Thank you Chris.”

“I’ll always be here for you Lei, always. I promise.”

“What am I going to do now?”

“We’ll figure something out,” Candy smiles lightly from the doorway, “we’ll take a little break from school and see what we can do.”

“Th… Thanks Aunt Candy.”

“Sure honey,” she walks over and kisses Lei’s forehead and them mine.

Lei’s POV

He warms my body up until it starts to reach my heart and head. I eventually pull away and offer a weak smile before chugging some pills (prescribed don’t worry) and he turns to me with a teasing smile.

“Do you feel up to some ice cream.”

“I always am.”

An hour later we sit at a pale blue and pink booth and a large springly mess of brown hair jumps up towards us.

“Hey Lei and Chris, you guys okay?” She looks at us with concern.

“Yeah…” I mumble shovelling chocolate ice cream into my mouth and attempting to smile at the same time.

“When are you coming back to school?”

“I… I don’t know.”

“Well you know I’m starting this online school thing and it’s actually pretty great, here I’ll give you the web address.”

“Thanks Ginger!” I gratefully shove the paper into my pocket.

“Do you want to join us?” Chris asks and she immediately pulls up a seat.

“Thanks guys.”

“Sure thing, would you like some ice cream?”

“Oh I…”

“I’ll pay,” Chris grins and she gushes gratefully.

Looks like I have a new friend and a better future before me.

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