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Me and Tony finally made it back to the Quinjet and I immediately raided the fridge since I was dehydrated from all the running and possibly the being thrown through a window. Tony handed over the sceptre to Thor and made his way to the pilot seat in the jet while my dad and Nat made their way onto the jet and closed the doors.

"Alright team. Let's go home." And with that Tony started up the jet and we began our journey home.

The ride home started off pretty quiet with Clint's occasional groans from where he was lying. I offered to heal him but since I had already used my powers a lot no one agreed to let me help. I sat next to my father for a while just leaning on his shoulder while Nat stood at Clint's side and Thor stood with the sceptre as if expecting it to just disappear. Bruce was sat on the floor of the jet listening to classical music in order to try to calm himself down since this mission ended up being a code green.

After what felt like hours the team had more energy and began having a small conversation. My dad was checking up on Clint along with Thor and Nat, Bruce was still in the same position on the floor listening to his music and I was sat down to the side eating a bar of chocolate.

Nat slowly approached Bruce which caused him to look up and take his headphones off. They then engaged in a small conversation before opening it up to the rest of the team.

"Thor, report on the Hulk?" She asked.

"The gates of hell are filled with the screams of his victims."

Me, Nat and my dad all gave him a look as if to say what the fuck are you saying and to tell him that that was the wrong thing to say. Thor then realised what he did and immediately tried to redeem himself.

"Not with the screams of the dead of course. No, no wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and talks of sprained deltoids and gout." Thor stammered and seemed proud of the way he corrected his statement although to everyone else his save sounded equally as bad as his original statement.

"Nice job Thor." I whispered so that only he heard. He looked at me as if to say he was sorry, and I think he actually felt bad for the way he responded to Nat's question. 

Tony then spoke up from the pilot seat sounding unfazed by what just happened "Hey Banner, Dr Cho is on her way in from Seoul is it okay if she sets up in your lab?"

"Uh yeah she knows her way around."

"Thanks." Tony then spoke again in a quieter tone "Tell her to prep everything. Barton's gonna need the full treatment."

Jarvis then spoke in his calm and collected voice as he always did "Very good sir."

"Jarvis take the wheel."

"Yes sir."

I always thought it was odd that Tony had his AI refer to him and the rest of the team so formally. I've tried to get Jarvis to call me Y/N so many times and completely failed but I guess there's no changing it, so I've learnt to live with it. Tony then made his way over to the sceptre where me, my dad and Thor were stood.

"Feels good doesn't it. I mean you've been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties but..."

He was cut off by Thor. "No but this... this brings it to a close."

My dad then chimed into the conversation "As soon as we find out what else this thing has been used for. And I don't just mean weapons. Any ideas Y/N?"

"I might have a few ideas I mean HYDRA have always been trying to create dangerous weapons whether that be actual weapons or more enhanced people like me."

"Banner and I will give it the once over before it goes back to Asgard." Tony then turned to Thor. "Is that cool with you? Just a few days until the farewell party. You're staying right?"

"Yes, yes of course. A victory should be celebrated with revels."

"Yeah, who doesn't love revels. Captain?" Tony then turned to my dad.

"Hopefully, this puts an end to the Chitauri and HYDRA so yes revels."

"Little Rogers, how about you?"

All three men now turned to face me.

"Erm if by revels you mean party then yeah."

"Okay then." And with that Thor and Tony walked away leaving me to stand with my father.

"Hey dad?"

"Yeah kiddo."

"What's revels?"

My dad just chuckled at my question and walked away leaving me to wonder what they meant by revels.

The Captain's Daughter. (Pietro Maximoff X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now