Episode 1

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A random man comes up to me, he looks so rich, yet so poor at the same time, he looked young, but an old man at the same time, he looked sweet, but also looked like he has a flirty personality. With shady eyes and a smirk on his face he says:" Welcome to Hell Exie, we are honored to have you as our next Grim Reaper."

I was so confused but I stayed silent trying not show that I was surprised. I thought it was a prank but everything looked so realistic that I didn't know how to react. I wanted to see what will happen next, but I suddenly feel a pressuring presence next to me.

The old man approaches me and says: "I am Devil, the ruler of this underground world known as Hell. I am the most powerful here, and everyone who finds themselves here are under my control, everyone who finds themselves here are my slaves. You see the black thing behind you? That is Black Soul. He is going to mark you 3 sinners every day, and you gotta kill them and bring me their dead bodies by midnight. You're going to have a scythe that'll be your weapon, either to attack or defend yourself. This is gonna last for 3 months then you are free to go."

Author's pov:

She doesn't believe what he's saying. She doesn't believe in ghosts, grim reapers, miracles, or anything like this, so once again, she stays silent.

Devil realizes that this girl is not so easy to convince, so he snaps his fingers, and in a blink of an eye everything around Exie goes black.

Exie's pov:

I was teleported into a place full of emptiness. I couldn't feel any emotion or anything around me. The silence was way too uncomfortable then I hear the old man whispering in my ear:" Miss Exie, if you are not up for the job, you will be stuck here forever and I will be taking away your energy little by little. You are an SSS rated sinner, and I definitely cannot let you go. The sin that you committed makes you so powerful here in Hell, if I cannot make use of your power, im gonna need to take all y our energy. So? Are you up for the job?"

It was so creepy that I froze in my place, but I still didn't answer, then he whispers again: You have 10 seconds to decide. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4..."

I had no choice but to agree so I said:" Fine! I'll do it! Just get me out of here!"

I got teleported into the place I was originally in. I feel a presence behind me, so I turn around and the one who calls himself Devil tells me:" That was pretty much expected, Meet me by midnight with 3 sinners' dead bodies, Black Soul will guide you here."

Instagram: @yotsugi_hisashi

Twitter: @yotsugi_hisashi

Email: yotsugihisashi@gmail.com

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