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One week of their staying at the beach house passed, and it was now a day before Changbin's birthday. The boys had it all planned, Felix would take him out of the house, and bring him back just before midnight, the other boys waiting for them.

"But what if he doesen't like it?" the freckled boy asked as he held a little velvet box in his hands, tears ready to fall from his eyes.

"Lix look at me" Jisung said as he brought Felix's chin up, so he'd be able to look him at the eyes.

"I am possitive he will love it, don't worry too much about it. He loves you and he will love absolutely anything he getts from you." he reassured as he hugged the younger boy.

Felix calmed down a little, as he heard a knock on the door. He quickly hid the box in his pocket, as he didn't want to to risk of it being Changbin behind the door.

And as the younger knew, it indeed was Changbin, looking for him.

"Lixie? Are you here?" the shorter asked as he pecked a little inside the room, immediatelly rushing towards his boyfriend, when he noticed dried tears on his cheeks.

"Are you okay baby? What happened?" he cupped the youngers cheeks and brought their foreheads together, knowing the action always made the younger calm down.

"It's nothing, i'm fine now hyung" he sighed and smiled a little, feeling genuinely happy. Jisung had already left the room when Changbin came in, knowing it was the best if he left them alone.

"Min come here i wanna cuddle" the squirrel like boy demanded as he flopped onto the couch, arms opened, waiting for his boyfriend.

Once Minho was comfortably seated in between Jisung's arms, the younger hummed in approval as he nuzled his face into the older's neck.

They were too busy to notice a jealous pair of eyes watching them as he sat in the kitchen.

"You know that it won't get you anywhere, looking at them like that. I don't know what your past with Jisung is but please don't try anything on him, those two are really happy together." the oldest in the house said as he stood next to Jupiter.

"I lost Sung once and i don't want to lose him again. I'll do anything it takes" the smiled psychotically, scaring the older a bit.

"I really hope you're joking man. I understand the friendship but don't cross the line" Chan repeated as he left to sit on a couch, next to the couple.

"Hey Min, can we talk please?" he asked as the younger glared at him, but his eyes softened when he saw Chan's pleading look.

The youngest of them whined when Minho stood up, but in return he got a kiss and a quick "i'll be right back baby" as he went outside of house, sitting on front porch.

"I really don't want to ruin the fun and all, but i think that Jupiter is bad news. I think he wants to be with Jisung. He even told me, and i quote, 'i'll do anything it takes'. Maybe you should talk to Jisung about it" the oldest said as he gave a forced smile the the younger.

"I know he's bad news. I've had a bad feeling about him since the beginning but i don't want to annoy Jisung. He is trying to rebuild their friendship and i can't do anything about it" he sadly said, looking at the floor.

"I know what's going on in your mind, just be careful. I hate seeing you sad" he gave him a reassuring hug as they went back inside, meeting the couple along the way.

"Oh you're heading out?" the oldest asked.

"Yeah, we will see you guys later" the shortest said as he held his boyfriend's hand.

Universe// MinsungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon