Ujimasa: You saved Yarikawa from the empire. I am indebted to you.

Koga: No need. Just one clan helping out another.

As Koga approached the gates, everyone bowed to him in respect. Ujimasa spoke up one last time.

Ujimasa: That armor has the pride of Yarikawa sown into it. Whenever you're in battle, you will the strength of Yarikawa with you at all times.

Koga: Thank you, Lord Yarikawa.

The two bowed to each other and Koga rode out. Hours passed and he made it to a nearby river. Koga turned his head slightly before he throws a Kunai at a tall tree. He hears the laugh of a woman and it's that same blondie from before.

Leone: You have some really good senses. So, have you decided to join yet?

Koga: Depends. And that chance is... Rather high. (Regrettably.)

Leone: Well, I'll introduce you to the team anyway!

Koga: Lead the way then.

She starts to lead him inside the base and he may not look at it, but he can tell that Akame was watching them from one of the windows. Leone decided to start with the outside first.

Lubbock: Ooh, it's almost time for Leone's bath. I'd do anything to get a peek at that smoking hot body!

Leone: In that case, how 'bout you give up 2 fingers.


She forces him to the floor and holds him in an arm lock with her foot planted on his back.

Leone: You never learn, do you? This is Lubbock. As you can see, he's an idiot.

Koga: Noted.

They move onto the inside of the base in the main dining hall. He meets someone with long pink hair wearing glasses. He found out that her name is Scheele. 

???: Hey, Leone! Why'd you bring this guy to the hideout?

They turn around and see a girl also with pink hair, but tied up in 2 ponytails.

Leone: He's going to be joining us. A new member.

???: And you did this without my permission?

Koga: Fiesty little fellow, isn't she?

Leone: Fiesty indeed. But good on the battlefield.

???: What can you offer us? You don't look special to me.

Koga: Your thoughts mean nothing to me. If you got a problem, we can settle it with our weapons.

He said as he places his hand on his handle. She chuckles.

???: I like this guy. He can join if he has that attitude. I'm Mine.

She says before walking away. Leone leads Koga to the training course where he sees a shirtless man training with that brown-headed boy he saw the other night.

???: Hey, aren't you the one who took care of Zanku for us the other night?

Koga: How do you know about that? I didn't see you.

???: Oh, I should've known you wouldn't recognize me like this. I was the one wearing the armor when we first met. Name's Bulat. Pleasure's mine.

Koga: As it is mine.

They shake hands.

Leone: Oh, and he's gay.

Bulat: Now don't go giving him the wrong idea.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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