"Give this to her."

Azure Dragon God carefully held the drop of golden blood using profound energy, the energy coming out from the blood was way higher than the on he received before.

"Thank you little kid."

Azure Dragon God said in a sincere voice, he only needed to ask once and William instantly helped him without asking any questions.

"It's fine you are a part of my familia after all."


A smile appeared on Azure Dragon God's face as he disappeared with a flash.

"Next time I will bring her with me and then thank you properly...."

William stared at the spot Azure Dragon God vanished from.

'This guy is always in a hurry to leave.'

William shook his head as he looked at the other person standing in the room.


Wood Spirit Patriarch trembled as he instantly git down on his knees.

"God Emperor I beg you to please take in my Wood Spirit Race."

"Hahaha weren't you the one who declined me last time?"

William said with a bright smile on his face.

Hearing his words a determined look appeared on Wood Spirit Patriarch's face as he took out a sword from his storage.

The smile from William's face disappeared.

Holding the sword in his hand, Wood Spirit Patriarch placed it's tip against his chest.

"I was a fool to have rejected your offer, God Emperor....."

The sword pushed forward.

"But I hope that you would fond it in your heart to forgive my race with just my insignificant life...."

Green blood started flowing out.

Tears welled up in Wood Spirit Patriarch's eyes as he said with a forced smile on his face.

"I.....am not a good king..."

"But my people...they deserve better...."

With his heart destroyed and Royal Spirit Orb loosing power, Wood Spirit Patriarch said his last words.

"Please don't forsake us like the rest of the World....."

William raised his eyebrow as he felt the life energy from Wood Spirit Patriarch's body disappear.

Little by little Wood Spirit Patriarch's body turned into dust leaving behind the completely intact Royal Spirit Orb.

William raised his hand as the Royal Spirit Orb appeared above it.

"Tsk even overacting has it's limits."

A drop of Golden blood dropped on the Royal Spirit Orb.

For a moment nothing happened.

Just as William was wondering if something went wrong.

[Would you like to accept 'Wood Spirit Patriarch' as your Apostle?]


[A rich amount of nature's energy detected.....]

[Target possess an unknown ancient bloodline.... awakening is taking place....]

Under William's surprised eyes, the Royal Spirit Ord started hovering in air.

But then something unbelievable happened.

Towards The Dream World.[Spinn-off]Where stories live. Discover now