Chapter 46

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Craving that same feeling that I get from cutting with working out, I walked to one of the gym's in the house, but not before grabbing a bottle of water.

I was still wearing my leggings and hoodie from this morning, so I just changed my hoodie into a T-shirt.

Opening the gym doors, was amazing.

I'd never really been to a gym before.

I put in my AirPods and went to google to see how this thing works.

After a few minutes of surfing around I found it.

It was called a treadmill.

I followed the same instructions and made it work.

I also put on some random playlist I'd found on YouTube before starting.

While running I could feel it, the euphoria.

The burning feeling in my body, the same relief I get from cutting.

How much I needed this right now.

I wasn't just walking or jogging, it was more like a sprint.

I felt like I needed to keep going until I dropped.

I was already pretty tired from soccer but nonetheless kept going.

When I couldn't bare it anymore though, I stopped and started bicycling.

While doing that I searched up some workouts on YouTube before going to the mat and doing that.

My whole body was burning and aching.

I did my last few scrunches before here too I dropped and really couldn't workout anymore.

I got of the floor after a few minutes and walked back to my bedroom.

I showered and changed before I walked downstairs again with two books in my hands.

I went to the living room where I saw grandpa sitting down with most of my aunts and uncles.

I smiled and walked up to him.

"Hey grandpa"

"My little dove" He smiled pulling me in a hug.

I hugged him back before cuddling into his side and finishing my book that I was reading before Zane interrupted me.

I finished the book in under a minute, since I only needed to read one page.

I closed the book smiling.

You know that feeling you get after finishing a good book, that smile growing on your lips.

But there deep in your heart a little grief, because it's done. Their story is over.

It's a beautiful thing.

After calming down and hugging my book for a minute, I opened the next book that I was going to read.

It was from a serie called, the folk of the air.

I have been finding a lot of good reviews about that serie so I decided to read it.

The first book was called 'the cruel prince' I'm really excited.

I started reading and not even a chapter in I was already swept into this story.


"Little dove" Grandpa called out, tapping me on my shoulder.

"Yeah" I answered, not really paying attention and just kept reading.

"Elijah called the whole family over for dinner didn't you hear?" He asked.

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