Chapter 11: Unexpected Meeting

Start from the beginning

Iida nodded and started running toward the entrance of the building. The villain saw this and teleported over there trying to stop Iida from leaving the dome but to no avail. Iida darted past the cloud of smoke and reached the door. Although the door was closed shut he finally got it to open making it possible for him to run toward the school. Soon enough Iida was no longer visible and they were just hoping that he got back soon. The darkness started swarming around the class once more taking them to different locations in the USJ.

Katsuki looked around seeing that he was with Kirishima. 'Of fucking course,' he thought to himself as he looked around taking in his new surroundings. He was in the ruin section, the part focused on ruined cities and buildings. As Katsuki looked around he also saw that people were surrounding them. He started to launch explosions at them maneuvering to avoid attacks as he not only used his quirk but punched and kicked them as well. Kirishima looked in awe seeing his friend be so cool. "Wow, that was incredible," he said putting his guard down seeing all of the villains knocked out as he tried to start some kind of conversation. "Should have gotten actual opponents instead of these low-level lackeys," he sneered as he looked around at all of them.

Suddenly Katsuki turned around blowing up what seemed to be invisible. Katsuki looked over to Kirishima, "Don't ever let your guard down, you never know when something's going to attack you," he instructed as he started looking around again for more threats. There didn't seem to be any so he and Kirishima started trying to find their way out. It took a while but they finally made it into the center of the building. Katsuki looked even more worried than before, the pro heroes weren't here yet and the two teachers looked very beat up. Although Aizawa was still fighting he was bleed pretty hard and eventually become passed out on the floor just like Thirteen. The villains seemed to have brought out a new monster. This one was muscular, tall, had its brain exposed, and was beating up his teacher.

As if it couldn't get any worse, it didn't. As the villain with blue hair started walking up to Aizawa the door busted open and all of the other UA teachers entered the building. Katsuki didn't see anything but the villain with blue hair started falling to the ground. 'Must have been snipe' Katsuki thought as he saw snipe in the background with his gun out. His attention was then focussed on All Might who for once wasn't smiling meaning something was really bad. He started to worry, if All Might's not smiling then that means that this villain is pretty powerful.

The heroes advanced to the middle of the building getting Thirteen (Just realized I skipped over Thirteen's heroic scene, oops. I'll write it when I go to fix the story after I'm finished with it) and Aizawa out of there. All Might stayed standing in the middle of the dome while the other teachers started retreating knowing that their job was done. The purple monster bolted toward All Might. He parried by punching the punch but both arms came to a stop, which meant that the creature was just as strong as All Might. "I see you like my little toy," the man with blue hair and hands all around his body said. "That's a Nomu, what an incredible creature isn't it? It has multiple quirks including shock absorption," he said in an overly proud voice. 

All Might smirked, "If it's got shock absorption then I'll just have to hit it enough times," he said as he started furiously punching the Nomu. He looked satisfied when the Nomu's arm fell off, 'one limb off, more to go,' All Might thought as he continued to attack the monster. "Ah, ah. You forgot that this thing has multiple quirks," the villain said with a malicious grin. All of a sudden the Nomu's one amputated arm started to regrow and became completely healthy. All Might stood there shocked for a moment before initiating in combat once more. As the battle continued it seemed as if All Might would lose. All Might was fighting with fewer slower attacks and seemed to be losing.

He fell right into the villain gang's plan. Getting grabbed by the Nomu he was forced halfway into a portal. "Now's the time you DIE," the hand-man said. As All Might struggled to get out of the grasp of the Nomu, Todoroki ran up and froze the Nomu's arm. At the same moment, there was the sound of explosions getting louder. Katsuki came up as well and blasted the Nomu. "Fucking die!" he screamed setting off his best explosion as he smirked. The attack may have only distracted the monster for a short few seconds, it gave All Might a chance to escape from the Nomu's grasp. 

All Might immediately started punching it once more. The fight went down pretty simply after that, All Might kept punching the Nomu until he flung it out of the building knocking it out in the middle of the forest. The blue-haired villain started scratching his neck. "I will get you All Might. I will kill you! I'm Tomura Shigaraki don't you forget it! Kurogiri NOW!" Shigaraki yelled as a portal appeared behind him as he and the still conscious elite gang entered the portal. "Sorry kids but it seems like you didn't get the field trip you wanted" All Might said as the UA kids started to regroup once more. 

Right after this occurrence, they were sent back onto the bus so that they could get checked for injuries and such. Once they got back it was already almost time for dismissal. As most classes left their classrooms all of class 1-A had to wait for a check-up from recovery girl. Once it was Katsuki's turn he was accessed, with no injuries whatsoever. He was able to leave right after that so he speed-walked as fast as he could out the building. Once outside he did as he usually did use his explosions to get there faster. As he ran up to the school he saw Izuku frantically looking for him worry clear in his actions.

Katsuki chuckled seeing his boyfriend's cute reaction before realizing that Izuku probably saw the news. 'Shit,' he thought as he continued getting closer to Izuku. Once Izuku saw Katsuki he calmed down and ran to him hugging him tight. Izuku looked at him "So, how was your field trip?" he asked trying his best to be oblivious. 'Oh thank god he hasn't seen the news then,' he thought before answering. "Eh, it was okay. Not the best but it could have been worse," that wasn't totally a lie so he thought he could get away with it. "I know what happened to some extent you know. You don't need to hide it from me," Izuku said his eyes saddening at the thought that Katsuki didn't trust him.

"Oh, I just didn't want to worry you about it," he said trying to make Izuku cheer up. "I couldn't really watch, I heard about it when I was getting lunch for my class. Some girls were talking about it and I got worried since I saw you in the news video I couldn't even finish it, I'm glad you're safe though." Katsuki smiled wrapping his arm around Izuku's waist and started leading them home. "You wanna know what happened?" Izuku nodded unsurely hoping it didn't become too bad. "How far into the video did you watch?" he asked not wanting to repeat details. "Up until that purple monster appeared."

Katsuki explained what happened to Izuku glad that he didn't have to share most of the bad parts. Once the story was finished Izuku smiled, "I'm glad things got better, from what I was watching it just got worse. Also with that explosion on the 'Nomu thing' that's really cool, you're so brave for doing something like that." Izuku continued to praise Katsuki for all of the cool things that happened and Katsuki was loving it. He had always loved it when Izuku praised him and it always made him feel great inside.

They entered Katsuki's house and Izuku ran up the stair to work on his project a little before dinner. Although he didn't share things like what Shigaraki commented he shared enough details for Izuku, he didn't want to worry him too much. Mitsuki came into Katsuki's room to see Izuku working with his electronics while Katsuki sat in his bed and watched. "I was so worried about you. You had your father and I worried sick. Next time check in with us before hiding away in here to make us worry!" she scolded hitting Katsuki in the head. "What the hell hag" Katsuki yelled back causing Izuku to giggle at the usual behavior. The two sighed not wanting to argue in front of Izuku. Mitsuki walked out of the room as she said, "Dinner will be in 10, be ready by then." The day wasn't very eventful after the 'field trip' so he got to relax for the rest of the day oblivious to what was happening in another part of the city.

"Who was that kid with the explosion quirk?" Shigaraki asked curiously. "That's Katsuki Bakugou, he placed first in the entrance exams." Kurogiri said in his monotone voice. Shigaraki smirked, "He sounds powerful and, by the way, he acts we could get him on our side. Katsuki Bakugou, watch out we're coming for you," he said laughing maniacally. "And if you refuse, we'll find other ways to make you join us."

(Oh goodness, I finished this way faster than I thought. Sorry for the shorter chapter but I really wanted to end with that paragraph and couldn't think of anything else to add other than the Thirteen part which I'll add later cause laziness. Quick warning, there's going to be time skips next chapter so just be aware of that. Upcoming is also a scene that I've rehearsed in my head so many times because it's one of my favorite parts of the story, that's in two chapters I believe. Stay tuned for some time probably next week to see what happens.)

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