Ultimate Tailgate Challenge

Start from the beginning



I ended up sleeping in today which was much needed so I'm glad Chase took care of everything for me. Walking into the common area first thing after getting ready I smile as my daughter notices me and wiggles out of her father's hands.

Chase gets confused at first as he was standing next to Davenport helping him with something at the control panel then turns over and notices me and realizes why our daughter was so ready to get out of his arms.

As he sets her down Amora comes crawling over to me as fast as she can, smiling whenever I blend down with open arms until she makes it to me. I of course pick her up while starting to stand up straight, placing a kiss on her cheek "There's momma pretty girl, you enjoy your boring day with daddy so far?"

Amora babbles a bit then rest her head on my shoulder whenever Chase comes over to me and kisses me good morning on the lips softly before pulling away "How'd you sleep?"

I start to rub Amora's back feeling a bit happy she's clinging to me more than Chase"Good but my stomach still hurts, I think I could be coming down with something and I don't want Amora to catch it."

Chase looks from me over to Amora and then back to me "Well she might since she doesn't seem to wanna leave your side lately"

I nod my head slowly then smile at my husband and pat him on the chest with my free hand "Jealousy looks hot on you"

Chase scoffs "I'm not jealous"

"Sure whatever floats your boat" I then head over to where Adam was sitting next to the hyraloop as Chase rolls his eyes and heads back over to help Davenport out. Leo and Bree start to walk in talking among themselves as the hydraloop opens and Tasha walks out "Hey, guys, I've got some exciting news. I got us all tickets to the big college football game this weekend at my alma mater." She then starts dancing as Leo looks at her horrified "Go, Pioneers! Whoo!"

Adam shakes his head "Trust me, guys, it wasn't much better from back here."

I nod my head in agreement as Tasha looks over at Adam, Amora and I then over to her husband who speaks "Football? Pass."

Tasha looks at Davenport "You're going."

Davenport shakes his head "Honey if you wanted a sports guy, you should've married one."

Tasha rests her hand on her hip "Excuse me."

I walk over and stand between Chase and Bree as Davenport quickly clears his throat "I mean, please don't leave me. I'll go."

Bree smiles "I can't believe I'm gonna have a real-life college experience. Ooh, I wanna be like those kids on TV who paint their faces and scream into the camera."

Chase groans "Oh, Bree, please do not embarrass us. Everyone knows that the proper way to enjoy a sporting event is to clap politely, not hoot and holler like a buffoon."

I arch an eyebrow at Chase's statement whenever Perry comes in doing the exact thing Chase told Bree people don't do "Whoo, go, Tech! She's at the ten, the five, touchdown. Vikings!"

Davenport looks at Perry "You went to Mission Creek Tech?"

Perry nods her head "Best 12 years of my life. And I was on the football team."

Bree shakes her head "No way. They let girls play back then?"

Perry shakes her head "Nope. Had to grow a mustache and say I was Tom from Ohio." she then noticed Tasha's sweatshirt "Ugh. Pioneers? I knew there was a reason I never liked you. You went to my rival school."

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