The Curse Of The Screaming Skull

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I wanna cry. My baby girl finally started crawling yesterday meaning soon she'll be walking, talking than before I know it all grown up and moved out. We're already slowly stopping breastfeeding her and now I feel useless with her always wanting her father over me. I was currently in the Mentor's Quarters sitting on the couch watching Amora crawl around on the rug messing with some toys I set out for her.

"Can I pick her up now?" I whine turning towards Chase who was busy picking out a Halloween costume for Amora for her first Halloween.

Looking up at me Chase shakes his head "No love, she's got to move around and get comfortable for when she starts walking"

I groan throwing my head back into the couch "But I don't want her walking or even crawling. I want her to stay my baby"

Setting down the outfits in his hands Chase walks over to the couch and sits next to me wrapping an arm around my shoulder pulling me into him until my head is rest on his chest while he rubs my shoulder "She'll always be our baby girl but she gonna grow up no matter what"

I then pull back a little still staying in Chase's hold "Well then let's have another. I want another baby"

Chase shakes his head "We still have a baby, Amora's only six months old"

I sigh looking down at my daughter who was trying to fit her fist in her mouth while making babbling noises "I know but she's growing up so fast"

Looking down at Amora, Chase smiles at her then looks at me "She hasn't even said her first word yet."

"So?" getting out of Chase's hold I stand up from the couch and start to pace around causing Amora and Chase's heads to both to follow me as I pace around "Either way I want another baby. Come on Chase let's have another one."

Chase crosses his arms as I finally stop pacing around the room "Since when are you the one to beg for a baby" I glare at him and he motions me over and pulls me onto his lap pushing some hair behind my ear "Okay, as much as I would love to have another baby we can't"

"Why not?" I whine

Kissing my head and pulling my head to rest at the crook of his neck then responds "Because we have to wait until your body fully healed"

I nod my head rolling my eyes in annoyance "I know and I'm healed so" I pull Chase into a kiss melting into the kiss as Chase tightens his hold around my hips before I pull away "baby number two a go?"

Chase gulps a bit with his adam apple bobbing while he nods his head a bit shocked by my forwardness "Yeah okay, let's try for baby number two"

"Yes," I cheer and jump up reaching down to pull Amora into my arms and start to do a small dancing with her "Someone getting a sibling and I'm getting lucky tonight"

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