Robot Fight Club

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*smut warning at the end*

*smut warning at the end*

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I was practicing attacking Bree while Adam and Chase are practicing attacking each other Davenport clapped his hands "All right, guys, gather up. Today, we are going to be studying one of the most time-honored traditions in Japanese culture."

"Ooh! Nunchuck combat?" Bree ask

Chase and I look at each other and back at Davenport "Samurai sword fighting?" we smiled at each other and high-fived.

"Wrestling ginormous dudes in diapers?" Adam ask

Davenport shakes his head no "We will be studying the great martial art of aikido, the key principle of which is to deflect your aggressor's attack by using his own speed and strength against him."

Bree crosses her arm "Can we just get to the part where I obliterate them?"

Davenport looks around before hold up his finger and walks over to his ringing phone "I have to take this. Uh, it's about money. Which is not more important than you, but is a very close second." Davenport then walks out of the room.

Chase turns over to Adam "Hey, Adam, attack me."

Adam nods his head "Okay. Your hair is stupid, you're short, your face is weird, you're weird, your girlfriend way out of your league"

Adam was about to continue but Chase holds up his hands "I meant hit me."

Adam starts to get into position "Okay, good, 'cause that was going to be a really long list."

They were about to fight when Bree hurried over "Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure about this? Adam is ten times stronger than you."

"Doesn't matter. With aikido, a weak opponent can defeat a much stronger one." Chase tells us

Adam looks over at Chase "Ah, but what if the weaker opponent fits neatly into an overhead storage bin? I'm talking about you."

Chase shakes his head "Just hit me." They get into position, Adam charges at Chase, and Chase flips him over easily "And that's all you need to know about aikido." Chase says as he walks over and places his hands on my waist.

I smile and look at Bree before turning back to Chase "Oh, I get it." I grab Chase's arm and flip him onto the ground.

Chase groans "Y/n, that's not aikido!"

Bree starts laughing "Oh, really? Her bad." Bree points to me and goes over and does a handshake with Adam before walking out.

Kneeling down to the ground I smile at Chase as he shakes his head at me "You tricked me"

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