Crush, Chop & Burn, Part 1

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"Welcome to your new home, Mrs. Davenport!" Davenport says as he carries Tasha in bridal style.

Tasha smiles and squeals in delight "Why thank you, Mr. Davenport."

"Absolutely, Mrs. Davenport," Davenport cooed back at her causing her to giggle. They kissed on the lips leaving Leo and I to advert our eyes away quickly before we threw up.

"We get it! you got married!" Leo yells as he walked into the house with their stuff.

"it's getting old," I added before throwing the luggage on the floor with Leo soon following my lead and throwing his bags on the floor as well.

Davenport then puts Tasha down while Leo and I start to look around with our eyes widened "wow! you got this big house just from inventing things?" Leo asks Davenport. Davenport smiles and nods his head in return "way to go, mom!" Leo says in amazement

"Now that's a husband," I say pointing over at Davenport, Tasha just nods her head and smiled up at Davenport.

Leo and I walk over to a glass circle that was sitting on a glass rod. it looked like there were speakers on it. "What is that?" I asked Davenport.

Leo went to reach out and touch it, but Davenport jumped out in front of him. "This is my newest invention. Davenport industries first completely interactive 3D tv." he pressed a button to turn it on, and all of a sudden, a 3D baseball field appeared in the middle of the living room. my eyes widened while the batter hit the ball and it started coming towards Leo.

Leo started walking back to try and catch it, but he ran into the wall. "watch the face, termite!" on the screen on the wall Leo ran into, there was a robotic face on it. Leo backed away quickly and looked at the floor. I screamed and shot (f/c) lightning at it. Davenport looks at me in shock.

"Hey!, Sparky watch the lightning!" the robot said back, I know this would shock everyone but they already know about my powers. My parents were the first ones to know about my powers as did a few other scientists. Leo was the first person I trusted enough outside of my home with my secret. Tasha found out whenever I discovered I had Electro-Kinetic Flight, in other words, I can fly using electricity. I wish I discovered I could do that before my parents passed away. As for Davenport well... he just found out when I zapped the robot.

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