Adam then walks away in disappointment while Leo turns over to us "Cool, I love spiders! You know, back in high school, they used to call me 'Spider Legs!'. And now I'm realizing that's a bad thing."

Douglas walks over to the rest of us "I think it's from the Cretaceous period."

Chase nods his head "You're right, Douglas! It's from the Valanginian subdivision. I would have loved to have seen this spider while it was alive."

Douglas looks from the rock over to Chase "Well, maybe you can. You know, before I got into bionics, I dabbled in biology. I was trying to use fossils to bring extinct species back to life."

Bree looks over at Douglas "And that explains why there's still no Mrs. Douglas Davenport. If only we could solve the mystery of why there's a Mrs. Chase Davenport"

I look over at Bree while Chase shakes his head and looks back at the fossil " This specimen is almost perfectly preserved."

Douglas looks at Chase and I "You know, I was never able to crack it on my own, but maybe with your help, I can."

Leo then speaks up "I'm pretty sure you're not looking at me, but I am in."

Chase smiles "Let's do this, Douglas."

I shake my head "You guys have fun I'm going to take a long nap"

Adam then rides over in a tandem bike "Hey Leo, it was rude of me to just say no when you asked if I wanted to do something earlier."

"Well, it's nice to see you've come to your senses." Leo then tries to get on the bike

"Yeah, what I should've said was no thank you." Adam then rides away and Leo stumbles back a bit.

After being woken up by Chase and dragged into the common area only for us to stand around and wait for Douglas to reveal something to us "Behold! One of the greatest achievements in the history of science!" he then unveils the spider.

Causing Adam to scream "Aaah! Spider! I'll get it!"

Chase holds Adam back as Adam takes off his shoe and goes to attack "No! Stop! Stop! Douglas and I were able to extract the DNA from the fossil and reanimate the sea spider."

Bree looks over at Chase "Wait, so you brought a million-year-old creature back to life in one day?"

Chase nods his head and smiles smugly "What'd you do with your day off?"

Douglas then starts to speak "When you take a lot of shortcuts and conduct dangerous experiments without any safety precautions, you can do anything in a day."

Chase smiles and points at the spider that was contained in a glass "Can you believe it?"

Bree crosses her arms "That you'd spend your whole day off with your weird uncle and playing with a dead spider? Yeah, I believe it."

Chase's smile drops while Douglas speaks up again "This is just the beginning. Think of all the other extinct animals we can bring back to life. Dinosaurs. Ooh, dodo birds..."

"Camels." Adam comments

"Adam, camels aren't extinct," I say turning over to Adam

Adam looks over at me "Oh yeah? Then how come I've never seen one?"

"Ugh, that thing is nasty." Leo randomly says before he walks closer and looks at the spider through the glass "Can I touch it?"

Douglas is quick to say "No."

Before The Electric Shock | C. DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now