Adam knocks me out of thought as he motions to Bob "You know the drill, Bob."

Bob smiles and pumps his fist "Puke patrol. I'll grab the mop."

Adam turns to us "I've taught him well."

I turn to Chase doing my best to ignore Adam "What happened on the mission?"

Chase drops his hands from my belly and speaks to me and the students that were standing near " We were evacuating a steel mill when the roof collapsed."

Bree then walks over "We were pinned down and Leo had to jump over an industrial grinder to save us."

Chase nods his head while me and the students nod our heads in amazement "Come on, buddy. Let's get you to the infirmary and get that leg checked out."

Leo groans while limping past me "Would you quit fussing? I'm a grown man. I don't need you to baby me." Tasha walks in and Leo is quick to change his voice as he hugs Tasha "Mommy!"

Tasha keeps Leo in her hold "Oh, I came as soon as you texted me."

Leo pouts "I'm not gonna lie. This is a grade-A boo-boo."

Tasha starts to worry "We better get you to your room. Where is your room?"

"Oh, the other side of the island," I tell Tasha as she finally notices me

Tasha walks over to me and ignores Leo "Oh Y/n look how big your belly is! My grandbaby is going to be here soon!" she squeals then she looks around the room "Still can't believe you guys got your own island. For Valentine's Day, all I got was a lousy t-shirt that said I married Donald."

Adam shakes his head at Tasha's last statement "Wait, you guys are married? I just thought you came over a lot."

I was now roaming around the island looking for Chase after he went to get changed out of his suit. Walking into my room I spot him over near the crib I set up, leaning against the wall still unnoticed by Chase I watch as he adds some small pillows and blankets into the crib.

"Chase, honey I think our daughter has enough blankets" I comment finally making myself known to my husband.

Chase turns around over to me and nods his head in agreement "I know but I don't want her to get cold"

I smile walking over to sit down on my bed no longer wanting to be up on my feet before finally remembering why I was looking for Chase in the first place "I wanna go get some ice cream and you're coming with me"

Chase arches a brow and walks over and kneels down to kiss my belly as I play with his hair before he looks up at me "Why ice cream?"

I shrug my shoulder as Chase finally gets up to sit next to me "Why not?" I then start to pout turning over to Chase giving him my best puppy dog eyes "Come on, please! It can be an anniversary present since we didn't get to celebrate it this year"

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I shrug my shoulder as Chase finally gets up to sit next to me "Why not?" I then start to pout turning over to Chase giving him my best puppy dog eyes "Come on, please! It can be an anniversary present since we didn't get to celebrate it this year"

Before The Electric Shock | C. DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now