ii. rêve

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"You look like you haven't slept in days." Yoongi hums, making Jimin look up at him. Jimin shrugs softly as he glances back down at his phone. He'd found her phone number still saved in his contacts, the heart next to her name having been there ever since the day they met. There were many times he'd thought of calling the number, wondering if a stranger would answer or if he'd hear her soft voice for the first time in years.

He wondered if he'd hear her new significant other in the background, asking her who was calling. He wondered if she would immediately hang up if she knew it was him or if she'd talk to him, a part of her still missing their time together. He wondered if she still had his number saved in her contacts and would sometimes wonder the same things he did.

"Are you even paying attention right now?" Yoongi asks, snapping Jimin out of his thoughts. Jimin looks up guiltily, giving the his fellow member an apologetical smile. "Do you want to work on this another day, maybe?"

"No. I need to keep my mind busy today." Jimin responds and Yoongi gives him a worried look, but decides to drop it. Yoongi knew better than pressure Jimin into opening up about his emotions.

"Alright, well Namjoon send a sample yesterday. I haven't listened to it yet." Yoongi hums as he turns in his chair to face the computer monitor. Jimin turns off his phone and pockets it, putting all his focus on the work that had to be done.

Him, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon were currently working together on a song for their next album. They had already written four songs and they were planning on doing eight. Their last comeback had just been a month ago and they had started working on their next album not long after. With touring being postponed, a lot of events being cancelled with the pandemic, it meant they had more time to focus on writing and producing their albums.

"Yoongi?" The mentioned hums in response, not looking away from the monitor, but assuring Jimin he is listening. "Does the past ever haunt you?"

"Why are you asking that so suddenly?" Yoongi frowns, glancing at Jimin from the corner of his eyes. The way a deep frown was sketched on Jimin's frown, it was enough to let Yoongi know that he was being serious.

"I just... just wondering." Jimin shrugs, looking down as he fiddles with his fingers.

"I don't think the past haunts me. It's not always nice to reminisce about it, but you're meant to take the bad as a way to strengthen yourself. The mistakes, a lesson for the future." Yoongi says, turning back around to face Jimin.

"What if you did something that you thought was right in the moment, but now regret?" Jimin asks, looking up at Yoongi.

"Can you change anything about it?" Yoongi responds with another question. Jimin takes a deep breath as he thinks the question over. Could he? Could he find her and fight for her the way he should have that night? Would it make a difference if he did? But then again, what if she was happy and has already moved on?

Already. It had been two years. He should have moved on by now. Why was he so hung up on the past all of a sudden? Why could he not let go of the memories and start anew?

"Maybe. I don't know. So much could have happened since." Jimin sighs, making Yoongi lean forward.

"Do you want to make a change?"

"I..." Jimin trails off, uncertain of the answer. Yoongi sense his inner turmoil and leans back, giving him a tight lipped smile.

"When you know the answer to that... do what feels right." Yoongi answers, before going back to the monitor. Jimin shoves the thoughts to the back of his mind and focuses once again on his work.

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