Chase lifts me from his lab and sets me on the ground and walks over to pick up a silver box while Bree scoffs "That's not revenge, that's you being a nerd."

Chase sighs and points down to the devices "These perfectly mimic the face and the body of the person you're pretending to be. Now you can impersonate Perry and bust Adam. Here is how I redesigned the electrical infrastructure."

Bree shakes her head "Yeah, boring, let's get to the pain."

I get up from the floor and sit down in the chair only to have Chase walk over and lift me so he can sit on the chair and pull me down to his lap "Okay. All I have to do is download a picture of Principal Perry and enter her height and weight. I got it off the back of her trading card. She used to play hockey in Croatia." Bree puts the cyber mask chip on then transforms into Principal Perry "And voila."

Bree/Cybercloak Perry gasps after looking at herself "Wow! I look just like her. I sound just like her too. And I'm not even using my vocal manipulation."

Chase smiles and leans back in the chair tightening his hold on me "I know. Voice modulation is built right in. And if you want to change back to your own voice, just press the other end of the tab."

Bree/Cybercloak Perry press the tab and starts to speak in her normal voice "This is so cool. This is going to be the" She changes into Perry's voice "best revenge ever."

↳ Outfit

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At school the next day Bree, Chase, and I were standing over near the stairwell listen as Adam imitated Principal Perry over the intercome "Attention students, it's me again, the real Principal Perry. You know, pantsuits, cats, hate you. Anywho...Even though I'm here sick at home, I want you all to know you make me sick here, too."

I turn over to Bree "You ready to do this?"

Bree smiles and nods her head "Oh yeah. It's Perry time." she transforms into Perry while walking up to Adam "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

Adam jumps a bit in fear "Principal Perry? I thought you were sick."

Bree/Cybercloak Perry shrugs her shoulders "I am, but I ran out of people to give the virus to, so I'm spreading it around here. I heard you were embarrassing the students. Well, I think it's time to embarrass you."

Adam laughs "Good luck with that. I've been embarrassing myself for years. It's kind of hard to top the master."

Everyone fathers around Perry's office "Come on out" Bree/Cybercloak Perry says

Adam walks out in the exact same clothing and hairstyle as Chase and everyone laughs "Okay, you topped the master."

Chase shakes his head with a laugh "You look ridiculous."

I raise an eyebrow and look at Chase "You do realize he is dressed like you?" Chase then stops laughing and looks down at his clothes then throws his hands in the air.

Before The Electric Shock | C. DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now