His More Important

64 3 7

~Will's point~

Nico gasped and collapsed into my arms shivering uncontrollably.

"NICO!" I yelled putting my hand to his head.

"He's freezing" I said looking at my family for help. Just then Grand Pabbles rolled over to us

"I scene strange magic here"

"Grand Pabbles, Help him, please" I begged

"Bring him closer" he said and I had Lee help pull us out of the hole then I kelt down cradling Nico in my arms.

"I'm-I'm f-f-f-fine W-W-Will" he said shivering and looking up at me.
Grand Pabbles grabbed Nico's hand and focused for a moment before speaking

"Nico, your life is in terrible danger. You sister hit your heart with ice.....if it's not removed you will turn to soiled ice" Grand Pabbles said.

"What?" Nico said with fear in his eyes. He looked up at me with pleading eyes as a few tears fell.

"No! You can remove it, I've seen you do so!" I yelled desperately

"Will, I'm sorry but last time it was his head.....I can't remove it from the heart, only a act of true love can do that" he sad sadly.

"True love?" Nico asked as if it was a foreign word.

"A true loves kiss!" My mom yelled as a couple of people kissed. Nico grabbed his chest and cried out in pain as more of his hair turned white.

"We-We need to get you to your fiance" I said pushing my feelings away because Nico was much more important at the moment.
I stood up and put Nico on the back of Lee. my family helped Nico not to fell as I got on. I grabbed Nico and pulled him to me then grabbed the reins with one hand while still holding Nico with the other.

"Percy, come on!" I yelled back at him.

"Yes! Let's go find Nico's fiance and kiss him! Who is this fiance? And why didn't he tell me about him?" Percy said as he climbed up on Lee. I snapped the reins and we changed off.
We rode over a hill and I could see Arendelle when Nico hugged he tightly and began to shiver even worse. He let out a few broken sobs. I took off my hat and put it on him.

"Please, hang on. We're almost there" I said charging down the hill. I got to the outskirts of town when I heard something behind me.

"Whoa!....Weeee!" I heard Percy say as he fell off Lee and slide into town laughing.

"Don't let anyone see you!" I yelled after him

"Ok!" He yelled back.

"Hi there!" He yelled right

"He's alive!" someone screamed.

I rode to the castle and slowed down as a man on look out yelled

"It's Prince Nico! Get Stew!"

I got to the front door of the castle and pulled to a stop. I slowly get off then grabbed Nicoand held him on my arms as the front door opened and a well dressed man came running over to me.

"Are you his fiance?" I asked

"Yes, what happened?" He asked

"He was accidentally hit in the heart with ice by the queen" I said

"What can I do to help?" He asked

"Only a act of true love can help him" I barely got out.

"True loves kiss" he said

"Yes...but get him inside first. He needs warmth"

"Of course" he said as he took Nico from my arms. Nico tried to hold on to me but he was to weak.

"P-P-Please" he said so quietly I barely heard him.

"You'll be ok now" I said.

"I'd leave now if I were you. I don't want you scaring people way. We've had enough of magic" the man said and I looked at my hands to realize I was still glowing. I let it fade as I hopped back on Lee.

"Keep him safe!" I yelled as the man walked in and shut the door.
I turned and rode off tears staining my face as I cried. It hurt so bad but at least Nico would be happy. At least he was safe. I rode untill I hit the top of the hill. I slid off and fell in the snow not able to go any further. I put an arm over my eyes a cried deep painful sobs.
Lee nudged my head and I pushed him away. He nudged me again and I sat up.

"I can't go on" I said looking at him.
He yelled at me.

"I can't understand you when you yell like that" I said.

His nudged my arm then looked back at Arendelle

"No, Lee, We're not going back" I told him.

He snorted at me and looked back again
"What's the point? He's with his true love?" I asked slightly angry

Lee scooped me up with his antlers and began to walk down the hill.

"Put me down!" I yelled and he dropped me then yelled again. Then the wind picked up and almost knocked me over. I looked down at Arendelle I squinted my eyes trying to see in the dark after I moment I saw a huge violent storm right over the castle.

"Nico" I said as realization hit me. I hopped on Lee and I swear if Reindeer could smirk that what he would be doing right now.

"Oh shut up" I said snapping the reins and riding as fast as I could down the hill and into town.
I rode into the storm and across the froze lake. When I got half way across when the ice cracked below us startling Lee and making him stop. I flew off of him and landed on hard hitting my head for a second time. I got up ignoring the throbbing in my head and looked back. The ice had cracked apart separating me from Lee.

"Stay there" I said putting my hand up and motioning for him to stay I then turned and ran through the storm. I ran until I saw Nico standing in the middle of the froze lake. His hair was now completely white and his fingers looked like ice.

"NICO!" I yelled running to him

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