In Summer

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~Nico's point~

As we walked up a hill I looked back and saw Arendelle.

"It's completely frozen over" Will said following my gaze. He was still glowing
After I almost begged him to continued to glow so that we had light. And come on how many people do you know who can glow in the dark?

"I'm sure we can fix it. Bianca will fix it" I said

"You sure?" He asked sounding slightly concerned

"Completely. Now it's this way to the North Mountain right" I said turning around and pointing forward.

"More like that way" he said with a chuckle as he move my hand up

"Oh..." I said realizing just how high we were going.

"Don't worry, we can make it. Come on" he said waving me forward as he walked on and I followed.

"So how do you know so much about medical care?" I asked as we walked

"After I lost both my parents then my brother to sickness without being able to do anything for them I began to study everything I could so that I could help others. That's also why I get into the ice business" he said

"I'm pretty sure ice isn't medical" I said

"No, I get into it to save up money." He said with a chuckle the took a wishful sigh

"I want to open a client someday" he said

I was about to say something but then we walked into a group of Willows with ice frozen to there branches making them look like Trees with hanging crystals.

"Wow, winter can be really beautiful" I said

"It really can be, but it would be even more beautiful if there was a little more color didn't you think? It's just a little to white, where's the joy in that? Maybe we could add some blue, red, blue or maybe yellow. Wait no, yellow and snow don't mix...." A man's voice said and we looked around tried to found who it belonged to.

"but blue does, right?!" A Snowman said happily as he came out from behind a tree and looked at me. And both me and Will scream then as a reflex I kicked him sending his head flying into Will's hands.

"Hey!" The head said

"Ahh!" Will screamed throwing it
Back at me.

"Why did you throw it at me!? I don't want it!" I said

"Guys could you stop throwing me? I'm getting a little lightheaded" the head said as the body came at me. I threw the head at the body and it landed upside down.

"Ah, much better Thanks, wait why is everyone hanging off the face off the earth like a bat?" He said.

"Hold on" I said quickly grabbing his head and flipping it over. Then I pulled away because I'm sorry there's just something really gross about touching a detachable head.

"Whoa, thanks" he said

" welcome" I said still a little freaked out that a snowman was talking to me

"I'm all good now!" He said happily

"Your still missing something" I said as I looked over at Will. It was only then that I noticed he was no longer where he was standing but instead was hiding behind me with his arms wrapped around my stomach. I may have blushed at that.

"Hey Will?" I asked

"Yeah?" He mumbled into my back

"Could you let go? Your squeezing a little hard" I said

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