The Storm in me

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~Bianca's point~

"You kind of made it snow everywhere, it's like a.....eternal winter." Nico said

"Wait everywhere?" I asked as fear began to build up inside me

"Yeah...but it's fine because you can fix it, I believe in you" Nico said. It was so sweet but he didn't understand how unstable I actually was, I didn't know how to stop anything.

"No, Nico, I-I can't. I don't know how" I said the fear growing.

"Then I'll help you" he said as my fear became so bad snow started to swirl around the room.

Cause for the first time in forever, you don't have to be afraid
He sang

I'm such a fool! I can't be free!
No escape from the storm inside of me!
I sang at the same time.

The snow began to pick up as Nico tried to fight his way through it to get to me.

We can work this out together

I can't control the curse

We'll reverse the storm you've made

Please you'll only make it worse!

Don't panic

There's so much fear

We'll make the sun shine bright

You're not safe here!

We can face this thing together.
The storm that was building in the room get so bad it turned into a blizzard and I couldn't see anything.

We can change this winter weather, and everything will be-

I can't!

I yelled cutting him off and a blast of ice shot out from me. the storm died down and I saw Nico fall to the ground grabbing at his chest. I gasped putting my hand over my mouth. What did I do? I wanted to go over to him so badly but I know I'd just make it worse. A tall man with blonde hair ran in.

"NICO!" He yelled as he ran to my brother's side and fell to his knees.

"Are you ok? Nico? Please tell me your ok." He said grabbing at his shoulders. He sounded like he was trying not to cry.

"I'm....I'm fine" he said between breaths. He let the man help him up then he looked at me and the look he gave me broke my heart in to a million pieces. It was a look of betrayal.

"Who is he?" I asked but then I immediately back tracked.

"Never mind, it doesn't have to leave"

"NO! We are going to figure this out" Nico said then clinching his chest a little more and taking another deep breath.

"How? What kind of power do you have that can stop this winter? That can stop me?" I said as fear started overwhelming me again.

The man looked around the room and ice and shadows began to cover the walls

"Nico, I understand you want to help but we need to leave" he said putting a protective arm around him.

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