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~Nico's point~

I woke up halfway, warm and cozy. was it all a bad dream? I hugged my pillow closer to me and took a deep breath.
Since when did it smell so good? I felt the pillow shake and I woke up completely, realizing that I wasn't hugging my pillow I was hugging a man and he was laughing.

"I thought you said I smelled bad?" I quickly let go and jumped up looking anywhere but at him my face beat red.

"You do"after a few minutes I couldn't help but look his way and I noticed that at some point he had taken off his scarf and hat and I could now see what he looked like all the way. He had gorgeous shaggy blond hair and tan skin that seemed to make those sky blue eyes Pop and across his nose was a spray of freckles.

"How long was I sleeping?" I asked looking down at my hand after I realized I was staring.

"I'm not sure honestly. I feel asleep shortly after you did, and it felt like I was asleep for hours but it doesn't make since because I woke up about 3 hours ago.

"Why doesn't that make since?" I asked generally confused

"Nico, the sun should be rising if not already up by now, but it's still as dark as it was when we fell asleep" he said and I felt my heart skip a beat when he said my name. I had to take a moment to mentally calm myself down. I walked outside and sure enough it was pitch black the only light source I could see was the lights coming from the main building.

"I can't even see the stars" I said coming back in.

"Weird right?"

"Yeah....well the storm is over so we should get going" I said

"Yeah, I'm not liking all this darkness" Will said as got up. He rolled to blanket up and then grabbed his bags and the lantern then walked out the door.

"Come on Lee" he said after a moment and the reindeer ran out. We loaded up in the sled and took off.

"Careful, I'm going to go faster" Will said

"That's fine, I like it fast" I said propping my feet up and leaning back.

"Could you please not do that? It's fresh lacquer." He said

"Sorry" I Said as I put my feet down.

"Sooooo, why did your sister go all ice and darkness crazy?" He asked

"First off don't call my sister crazy" I said sending him my best glare

"Sorry. And second?" He asked

"I got engaged and she didn't like it" I said and the smile he had been wearing all......day?....anyway the smile he was wearing vanished.

"Your engaged?" He asked painfully.

"Umm, I honestly don't know how it happened. I mean I just met him"

"You just met him!" He yelled

"...yeah" I said looking away

"Do you even know anything about him?" He asked

"....um...I know his last name...and how many siblings he has" I said

"What about other things. like his eye color, his favorite food, his foot size?"

"Foot size? What am I prince Charming?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"You definitely have the charming part down" he said with a laugh

"I think I have the prince part down more then the charming part" I said and he gave me a confused look but after a moment his eyes shot up.

"Oh gods!, your...but...I....I didn't....." he stumble and it was honestly really cute, I mean...anyway I put a hand up to get him to stop and he immediately stopped talking.

"It fine, but honestly how did you not know?" I asked laughing a little.

"When was the last time you left the castle before today?" He asked

"Good point"I said

"So....why are you marrying this guy if you only just met him?" He asked

"Seriously, could you just drop it?" I asked. I has no idea why I had said I would marry him and it was making me mad just thinking about it.

"But didn't your parents warn you about talking to strangers?" He asked. I froze and he started to applause as I tried to stop the tears that were forming in my eyes

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bring them up, I know it's been a few years since the King and Queen died but they were your parents and I should have been more considerate" he said as he tried to reach for my hand.

"DON'T! YOU COULDN'T UNDERSTAND" I yelled moving my hand away. I wiped the tear that had fallen away and took a deep breath as Lee came to a stop

"Look I'm sorr-" I started to say

"Shhh" he said cutting me off

"I'm trying to appl-" I yelled but he placed a finger to my mouth

"Listen" He said. It didn't take long for me to hear what he heard, wolves and probably a whole pack.

"LEE GO!" He yelled snapping the reins just as a wolf jumped at the sled. Luckily it missed.

"What should we do?" I hollered over the sound of the rushing wind from how fast we were going.

"How about we don't fall off and we don't get eaten?" He said

"That sounds like a good plan." I said pulled out a black sword I had at my side.

"Where did that come from?" Will asked looking terrified although I wasn't so if that was from the sword or the wolves.

"What do you mean? I've had it with me the whole time" I said. A wolf jumped at him and I quickly hit it with the halt of my sword knocked it away. But as I did that a wolf latched on to my arm and pulled me off the sled I rolled for a moment before I saw a robe and grabbed it.

"Nicholas!" I heard he yelled

"It's Nico!" I yelled but trying to put myself up the rope.

"Duck!" He yelled and I just enough time to duck before a flaming bed roll flew over my he and hit a wolf that was about to attack me. I made it to the edge of the sled and Will helped me up. I looked up ahead a saw a massive gorge.

"We'll have to jump" I said.

"Yep" he said as he picked me up and threw me on Lee's back.

"Jump Lee!" He yelled as he cut the lead

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