"Oh no not really. This song is a famous one. If you're bored enough it is an easy song to learn. I was just playing the dice that your world didn't have this particular song." Adrian nodded to (Y/N)'s explanation. Regardless, he was impressed that (Y/N) was so skilled.

After a minute of sitting in contemplation, the teens looked to each other and decided to transform to look for the book Adrian lost. As soon as they left Adrian's baton rung. He had several messages from Ladybug. He opened it up and put it on speaker for (Y/N) to hear.

"Cat Noir, I think I know who Hawkmoth is. Get your whiskers here fast!" Adrian looked to (Y/N) with a smirk.

"Let's see what she's thinking." (Y/N) nodded to Adrian's words. They jumped from rooftop to rooftop until they found their partner.

"Nadia, Cat Noir. Did you get my messages?"

"I ran into Cat while doing a patrol, he showed me. Who are you thinking?"

"Yeah, can't wait to hear who your suspect is ml'ladytective." Adrian smirked as he leaned on his baton. Ladybug stood tall, her eyes unmoving.

"Gabriel Agreste, you know, the fashion designer." (Y/N), and Cat Noir tripped. What made Ladybug think such a thing?

"Y-You've got proof?" Adrian asked, hoping that this was all a dream.

"I-I can't tell you," Ladybug stated and averted her eyes.

"LB you have to understand, this is a big accusation. If we go after this powerful man and we're wrong, it's our head. Plus it's a family we would be messing with. He has a kid. If we go after him we have to be sure. There has to be some evidence you can spill." (Y/N) said calmly and placed her hand atop Adrian's away from Ladybug's vision. He took her hand and held it tightly. Ladybug sighed and thought for a moment.

"There isn't much I could say, you'll just have to trust me. But check this out. His company logo," she pulled up several images. It was a butterfly. The same one that Hawkmoth is known for. Adrian's eyes shook, his own father? He turned his back with a look of determination in his gaze.

"Let's go." He jumped off of the roof, on his way to the Agreste manor. Ladybug and (Y/N) looked to each other with slight concern for their feline friend and followed.

They flew into Mr. Agreste's office and saw it in shambles. While investigating (Y/N) stayed close to Adrian.

"Are you sure you're okay Cat Noir?" Ladybug asked concerned. Adrian smiled and nodded. (Y/N) could tell it was fake but said nothing. "He has a son!" Ladybug realized, "we have to make sure nothing happened to him." Ladybug ran out of the office, Adrian and (Y/N) close behind. (Y/N) had a sense something was wrong, her eyes landed on a book flying in their direction about to hit Ladybug.

"Fetch!" (Y/N) called out, before anyone could react (Y/N) shoved Ladybug out of the way. (Y/N) looked to where the book came from. It was an akumatized victim.

"Where is Gabriel Agreste?" Cat Noir demanded.

"There is no more Gabriel Agreste. Only the Collector." The mysterious man responded. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes, Gabriel had become akumatized. Does that automatically mean he isn't Hawkmoth? She was sure to make a mental note to ask Master Fu when this was all over. The book went flying to the trio again, they all started dodging. The book hit the door behind them and came rushing back like a boomerang. Ladybug took action and shoved (Y/N) and Cat Noir down onto the floor to avoid the book touching them. In a split second, the book was flying again. The trio jumped up to the second story to think and strategize.

"That book, it's like Thor's hammer!" (Y/N) projected, Ladybug looked at her in confusion, and Cat Noir simply awaited her explanation. He had grown accustomed to (Y/N) making references to things in her world. "Basically the book will return to the Collector if he extends his hand for it." The other two nodded. Adrian let out a small gasp and his eyes began to shine.

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