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That night Xenia had fought endlessly with her Lycan to be calm till they could contain them because she didn't want a blood bath that would leave her in regrets the next day.

Slowly she watched as her fathers painfully crossed the chain all over her thereby effectively strapping her to a pillar that was made of the strongest of steels from Eros steels and enterprise, it was her uncle's company and one of her dream places to visit cause she always marveled at how they could bring so many materials together to create a pillar so strong her Lycan had nothing on it.

Finally they had concluded with strapping the young princess who had tried to remain as strong as she could manage but it was proving close to impossible.

The mating process seemed to have began now and she knew how much strength it was taking her Lycan to remain calm.    What a world she lived in,   others were in their beds getting some peaceful sleep but in her case she was uncomfortably strapped in chain for the purpose of restraining her from going into a blood bath. 

    How Ironic.

   "I'm so sorry princess"
Came her mother's voice, a voice that used to be so calm was now laced with sadness and sorrow.

The Queen had watched as her young daughter went from one life situation to another and yet it never seemed to end.
All those years she watched as her sons grew a disturbing kind of hatred for their sister, at the time she had attributed it to them being boys, young and immature.

How wrong she had been because they were grown passed that.

They were all grown men and had no excuse for treating her the way they did.

     "Do me a favor mother, fathers"
Xenia called out weakly.

Of course they all knew what she was going to request but they let her say it either way.

   "Tonight, please I need all of you to stay at the sanctuary, Peay if you will."
It's not that Xenia cared any less but she didn't want her parents to see her like that and they didn't need to start imagining silly things about her mates sex  life, yes it seemed to be the wrong time for such thoughts but it was still the truth.

    "I will stay with her don't worry"
Her aunt volunteered and that seemed to pacify them a bit.

Everyone had finally walked out when another wave of pain hit her but this time seemed stronger than the last which reaped a loud scream from her.

Repeatedly she had screamed that night, each pain more intense than the last one yet they never stopped, blood had began to drip from the places the chains were strapped on her, droplets of blood had fallen from her nose and after what seemed like eternity Xenia had finally passed out from the excruciating pain she was feeling.

It shouldn't have been so painful normally but those were one of the disadvantages of having multiple mates, the pain was multiplied in her case.

Her aunt Natasha who now stood before Xenia began to unstrap her from the chains that held her and by the time she was done her family had returned and soon a new bright day had been born, hopefully it would heal The young child's inner and outer heart aches.

  Back at the Princes chambers That morning they  had woken up, gotten dressed and were now standing in the balcony that overlooked the garage directly, for some reason they were gloomy but they blamed it on the weather and what not.

Whilst back at the cells Xenia laid unconscious in her father's arms who for the third time in his life was shedding tears over a situation he wished he could control yet he couldn't.

Everyone was sad and hurting for the young princess who life had continued to deal very bad hands since her birth, one could easily say that she didn't deserve the pain she always received but it seemed that fate thought otherwise, why else would they always let her get the worse end of every deal.

Slowly her father had lifted her and began to walk out of the cells and towards the garage so they could get her to the jet, they hoped that the next time they set eyes on her, that maybe she would be doing better.

Upon arrival at the garage everyone looked up just in time to see the Princes gaze stuck on the battered female in her father's arms. Their family had expected them to look away like they always did but that wasn't the case.  Instead everyone watched as tears pulled in their eyes and began flowing down their faces.

Just this once their parents were heart broken for the heartache fate had brought upon their children, surely they could have given them different mates, surely they could have met a woman who wasn't their sister while their daughter could have met a man who would have loved her unconditionally.

It didn't have to be this way and fate knew that for sure, yet for reasons best known to them they still paired people who found no interest in loving each other the way they should have.

   "It's time"
Natasha had whispered before opening the door and letting them place the unconscious female in the front sit and strapping her there.

    "Take care of my child I beg you"
Queen Arabella cried before kissing Xenias head and pulling away to let her fathers do same.

  "Do not cry for the child for her journey has only just began, there are days darker than today and when those time would come you must believe that all will be well"

Those were the words Natasha had spoken to her family before getting in the car and driving away from the palace.
Xenia had more trials to overcome and even if it seemed as though they were painful and unfair Natasha saw the light at the end of the tunnel, that was her only comfort at the end.

Back at the palace the Princes had remained stuck in their places while their mother only stared at them for a moment before shaking her head in disappointment.

All those years she had spent training her children to the best of her abilities, now looking at the turn their lives seemed to be taken, She now doubted that she even did anything right.

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