Chapter 31

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"You're here early," I say to him as he comes out of the bedroom with his hands in his pocket. He's usually late every time I call him.

Richard looks down at my hand which I had unknowingly used to shield Liam. My initial thoughts, when I found out that he's here, were whether or not he has hurt Liam. But seeing as the kid is simply looking at the toy car I had bought for him along with some medicine, I can tell he's ok.

"Quite the rat you have in your room," Richard says sarcastically.

I frown at him and turn towards Liam.

"Liam, take your toys and go to the bedroom. I'm going to talk with my friend here." I say to him politely. He looks at the man staring at him then nods his head. We wait until he's gone and closed the door.

"You're treating him like he's your kid," Richard remarks and walks towards me.

"Shut it. It's not what you think" I reply as he grabs my arm and pushes back the sleeve up to my shoulder, revealing all the scars on my skin. He then begins counting them one by one.

I sigh "I didn't make any new ones. You could have just asked me"

"I don't trust you with this. Are you taking your medication on time?" He moves onto my other arm and starts counting the scars there.

"Yes. Now can we please sit down?" I insist and he steps back and glances at my legs.

"You sure your not making cuts on your legs?" He smirks much to my irritation. I hold up my hand and snap my finger causing his eyes to meet mine.

"Watch it" I warn him. He chuckles and walks towards the sofa.

"I WAS watching it," he says and lays down on the sofa with his legs stretched out.

"What about you, huh? Maybe you went somewhere and got yourself some new whip scars since you like being such a masochist" I snark at him as I sit on my leather recliner.

He laughs "If trying to help you means I'm a masochist, so yeah, I am one. By the way, about that kid. You're too careless around him. Minutes ago he was pointing your gun at me and even loaded it after watching how to do it from your laptop."

"Really? Impossible. I hid it somewhere in the bathroom cabinet and it's hard to believe a child could do all this." I tell him since I can't picture Liam doing all that.

"I'm telling the truth. He thought I'm here to kill him or something. Anyways, since you didn't bother to put up a password on your laptop, I did it for you. It's your favourite colour and date of birth." He grins proudly.

I roll my eyes "Anyways, back to business. Our next target is going to be Ashley. Her house is being watched over by the police so we gotta proceed with caution."

"Where do you want me to dump the body?" He asks with a serious expression with his hands at the back of his head.

"Nowhere. Kill her in her own room. Taking it anywhere would be hard and people will get suspicious." I answer him. I can tell there's something he wants to say to me.

"If I could pull it off, then what? Honestly, wouldn't it be better if we dump it on Riverdale street? As a clue for Zane? He seems to be getting quite impatient." He suggests. No, that's just an excuse. What is he hiding from me?

"No. You're not going to do anything like that. Zane will figure out where she is and arrest her immediately. It'll all end there. Hey...usually you agree with my plan, so tell me what's wrong" I ask sternly as he simply stares at me. What is it?

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